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He had no well-defined purpose: he was in a listless mood, which was no doubt partly the result of physical exhaustion. From Cincinnati he drifted on to Louisville, and then to St. Louis. His small funds were now almost all spent. He must soon find occupation or starve.

"What is it?" His voice was listless, but now he looked at Salvatore. "I ought not to tell you, signore. But if I do you won't ever tell her?" "No." "A new gown, signorino, a beautiful new gown, made by Maria Compagni here in the Corso. Will you be at Isola Bella with Gaspare by ten o'clock on the day, signorino?" "Yes, Salvatore!" Maurice said, in a loud, firm, almost angry voice.

Nay is it not enough to step at once into fame to have been advocated by Béranger to have the poem crowned in the Theatre of the Académie Française?" She stood silent, with drooping head and listless hands, all disappointment and despondency. Presently she looked up. "Where did you learn this?" she asked. I handed her the journal.

When he was gone, she rose and went to the window with a listless step, and gazed idly through the glass at the long row of windows in the palace opposite, and then went back and sank down, as though very weary, upon a sofa far from the light. There was a dazed, wondering look in her face and she sat very still for a long time, till it began to grow dark.

At a sudden turn of the path near the beach, he saw Maggie. She sat upon a rock so directly beneath him that he could have let his handkerchief fall into her lap. Her arms were dropped, her attitude listless; without seeing her face, Allan was certain that her eyes were sad, and her long gaze at the incoming tide full of melancholy.

The most experienced hunters went forth, but returned with nothing, thankful for so little a mercy as the ability to get back to their half-shelter. Henry at last took his rifle and ventured out alone the others were too listless to stop him and before the noon hour he found a buffalo bull, some outcast from the herd which had gone southward, struggling in the snow.

It must have been ten days after this that he stopped me in one of my eternal listless promenades and invited me to sit beside him again. "I wish to take your opinion, Mr. Ducie. You have not, I believe, found salvation? You are not one of us, as I may say?" "Meaning by 'us'?" "I and mine, sir, are unworthy followers of the Word, as preached by John Wesley." "Why, no; that is not my religion."

His voice was strangely listless; in his eyes was the same abstraction which had troubled Appleton during the afternoon. He left the camp and disappeared up the bank of the stream. "Nice place to take a walk!" the engineer observed. "He'll bog down in half a mile or get lost among the sloughs." "Not him!" said Slater.

Grimm was still pleasant about it; his curiosity was absolutely impersonal; his eyes, grown listless again, were turned straight into the other's face. "If that handkerchief had been there last night, Señor," he resumed quietly, "wouldn't you have noticed it when you placed the gold in the safe?" Señor Rodriguez stared at him a long time. "I don't know," he said, at last.

The Indians were grouped on the bank, watching the party with their listless stare, and with them the young guide, who preferred remaining among the Indians, and was made supremely happy by the present of Spanish sword and an English axe; while, in the midst, the old hermit, with tears in his eyes, prayed God's blessing on them.