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To-morrow he would learn definitely what passengers the out-going boat had carried. He would not stay this evening to find out. He felt ill, listless; he only wanted to be back with Saidie in the restful shade of the palms. As he rode across the desert that evening an indefinable depression hung over him. Never since he had found Saidie had that melancholy, once so natural, come back to him.

In the hours of waking and depression between the raging intervals of delirium he had speculated, with a sort of detached, listless indifference, on the chances of his getting back to life and strength and energy.

Indeed, it is to be feared that it is a fashion for young men nowadays to appear listless, to conceal what ideas they may happen to have, to try to appear stupid, if they are not so, throwing all the burden of the conversation on the lively, vivacious, good- humored girl, or the more accomplished married woman, who may be the next neighbor.

The glorious winds brought her no melody, no perfume, no respite from toil and care. She thought of the children she saw in the town, children of the merchant and banker, clean as little dolls, the boys in knickerbocker suits, the girls in dainty white dresses, and a vengeful bitterness sprang up in her heart. She soon put the dishes away, but felt too tired and listless to do more.

Morva snatched the girl's listless hand in her own warm firm grasp, and pressed it sympathetically, for she knew Madlen's secret sorrow. "Wait another year or two," said Fani, "we'll talk to you then! Wait till your husband comes home drunk from 'The Black Horse!" "And wait till you put all your money into a shop and then find it doesn't pay you," said Jos.

"Plenty of sticks, Jasper, that it may burn up quickly," said Mrs. Hare, in a pleading voice, as if the sticks were Jasper's and not hers. Mrs. Hare got her fire, and she drew her chair in front, and put her feet on the fender, to catch its warmth. Barbara, listless still, went into the hall, took a woolen shawl from the stand there, threw it over her shoulders, and went out.

With this aid, they endeavour to fill up the blanks of a listless life, and avoid the necessity of curing their languors by any positive service to their country, or to mankind.

Keith, listless and idle-handed, sat in his favorite chair by the window. "Dorothy Parkman jest rang the bell," began Susan, "an'-" "But I said I'd see no one," interrupted Keith, instantly alert. "That's what I told her, an' she's gone." "Oh, all right." Keith relaxed into his old listlessness.

"Mary, I've got so fond of you that I'm just miserable when you're away from me ..." "Oh, Robin, please ..." Mary Trevert stood up and remained standing, her head turned a little away from him, a charming silhouette in her heather-blue shooting-suit. The young man took her listless hand. "My dear," he said, "you and I have been pals all our lives.

"Dear help me, man! eat, eat, canna ye!" exclaimed Adair, every now and then, as he marked the listless manner in which the stranger pecked at the food on his plate. "Eat, man, canna ye!" he said, getting absolutely angry at his guest's want of appetite, which he construed into diffidence.