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Only I will say this much, and no concealment, that if my husband had been spared, being now a widow fourteen years, and heard me keep silence many a time, he might have said it again and again, like he said it a hundred times if he said it once when alive and able to it: 'Mary Ann Tapping, you do yourself no justice settin' still and list'nin', with your tongue in your mouth God gave you, and you there to use it! And I says to Tapping, fifty times if I said it once, 'Tapping, says I, 'you better know things twiced before you say 'em for every onced you say 'em before you know 'em. Then Tapping, he says, was that to point at 'Lethear?

"Marse Chan he had done been talkin' so serious, he hed done tuk Miss Anne's han', an' wuz lookin' down in her face like he wuz list'nin' wid his eyes. "Arfter a minit Miss Anne she said somethin', an' Marse Chan he cotch her udder han' an' sez: "'But if you love me, Anne? When he did speak, all he sez wuz: "'I mus' see you home safe.

"Why didn't you come when you were first called?" asked the saleswoman, angrily. "Couldn't; I'se waitin' for somethin'," answered the child, coolly. "You were staring at and list'nin' to those ladies at the ribbon counter; I saw you," retorted the saleswoman. "Well, I tole yer, I'se waitin' for somethin'," the girl answered, showing two rows of teeth in a mischievous grin.

Dent, she's been sittin' by the window, list'nin' day and night. She won't speak nor eat and she ain't shed a tear. It was her only child. The men come in sayin' it ain't no use to hunt any more, an' they look at her an' out they goes ag'in." Soon the driver pointed to a cottage near the road. The gate was open; the grass and the flower-beds were trampled into a morass.

I wuz list'nin' to Brothah Rice et t'othah eend o' the camp." "Did you shout with the rest, Mrs. Rogers?" Dudley asked. "I should say so!" she answered. "Ev'rybody did, an' sich a hullabaloo ez it wuz 'nough to raise the dead. I thought fur a minit thet judgment-day hed come, an' wouldn't been s'prised to heah the toot o' Gabr'el's horn then an' thah.

The nurse, she made a dive fer the stairs, wavin' me back with her hand, an' I wa'al I went into the settin' room, an wa'al ne' mind. "I dunno how long I set there list'nin' to 'em movin' 'round overhead, an' wonderin' what was goin' on; but fin'ly I heard a step on the stair an' I went out into the entry, an' it was Mis' Jones. 'How be they? I says. "'We don't quite know yet, she says.

"I'm glad ye're up," was his first remark. "I don't like the look of things, though what's stirrin' is more nor I can make out." "What have yon seen or heard, for that matter? One can't see much under this wall of woods all about." "Divil a bit! So I pricked up me ears for list'nin.

I wonder now in thim days that my ears did not grow a yard on me head wid list'nin'. But I looked straight forninst me an' hauled up this an' dragged down that, such as was my duty, an' the orf'cers' ladies sez one to another, thinkin' I was out av listen-reach: 'Fwhat an obligin' young man is this Corp'ril Mulvaney! I was a Corp'ril then.

"And noo that I may speak freely," rattled on the old man, after a gasp of delight, "I can tell ye how I hae been list'nin' for yer interests till ten o' the clock each forenoon, and the dyvor loons deil tak' it, and here cooms back one o' the waurst o' the widdifu's." It was the Hon. Calvin Dow and Morrison hurried to meet him. "Sum it short, Uncle Calvin!"

"Marse Chan he had done been talkin' so serious, he hed done tuk Miss Anne's han', an' wuz lookin' down in her face like he wuz list'nin' wid his eyes. "Arfter a minit Miss Anne she said somethin', an' Marse Chan he cotch her urr han' an' sez: "'But if you love me, Anne? When he did speak, all he sez wuz: "'I mus' see you home safe.