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That ought to be enough to enable you to retain your footing, until we join you." When all was ready, Lisle fastened the end of the wire round his body. The Sikh was to take hold a yard or two below him, and aid him as he swam. Then they stepped into the water, and struck out. They had swum only twenty yards, when the Sikh cried out, "I have cramp, sahib!

"Well," he replied, "I'm ready to stand by what I said, and I'll add that if I had any shares I'd give them away to anybody who would register as their owner before the next call is made." "I understood there wouldn't be a call for a long while," Crestwick broke in. "Then whoever told you so must have been misinformed," Lisle rejoined. "Are you casting any doubt upon my honor?"

Lisle has all the air of a great town, and the mixture of commercial industry and military occupation gives it a very gay and populous appearance. The Lillois are highly patriotic, highly incensed against the Austrians, and regard the approaching siege with more contempt than apprehension. I asked the servant who was making my bed this morning, how far the enemy was off.

It would not have done to light a fire to cook the grain, as any illumination within the house would have shown the exact place of the loopholes to the enemy. Lisle therefore served out some grain to each of the soldiers, to eat raw.

Had Lisle suggested this when he first came out, the lad would have rebelled, but by degrees the stern discipline of the wilds had had its effect on him. He was learning that the weariness of the flesh must be disregarded when it is necessary that anything shall be done. "Oh, well," he acquiesced, "I'll try to make it. If I can't, you'll have to drop me where there's some shelter."

On approaching the tea-table, she adroitly secured possession of a chair which another lady who stood higher in her hostess's esteem was making for, and sitting down chatted cheerfully with Mrs. Gladwyne. Lisle was conscious of some amusement as he watched her. She was clever and her courage appealed to him; but presently he saw Millicent and strolled toward where she was standing.

"No," replied Nasmyth, with signs of strong uneasiness; "I can't believe he benefits in that manner if he did, I'd feel it my duty to denounce him. Still, I expect he wins a little now and then, incidentally." Again there was silence for a while, broken finally by Lisle.

Though the natives followed up the rear guard to within two miles of the camp, they never made another determined attack. The force lost, in all, five officers wounded, and a hundred men killed and wounded, from the 36th. During the course of the reconnaissance Lisle had been with the rear guard, and had fallen in the torrent with a rifle ball through his leg.

Messengers, with instructions not to spare their horses, might ride to London, to the King at Whitehall, yet Lady Lisle had been executed at Winchester before the story of her trial was known in parts of Hampshire even.

Most of these had, at one time or other, been cantoned with the Pioneers. Two or three of the junior officers were introduced to the newcomers, among them Lisle. "This gentleman," the colonel said, "is Mr. Lisle Bullen, son of the late Captain Bullen; who you have doubtless heard was killed, some little time ago, while storming a hill fort.