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Caen, of course, does not compete with Lisieux for its leading position as the possessor of the largest number of old houses, but it nevertheless can show some quaint carved fronts in the Rue St Pierre and the narrow streets adjoining. At the present time the marks of antiquity are being removed from the beautiful renaissance courtyard of the Bourse near St Pierre.

Lindley, coming to sit by the fire in her son's smoking-room, where Richard sat glooming, narrated her legend of the Devil of Lisieux. It must have been her legend: the people of Lisieux know nothing of it; but this Richard the Guileless took it for tradition, as she alleged it, and had no suspicion that she had spent the afternoon inventing it.

Eporedorix, treacherously revolts from Caesar, G. vii. 54 Essui, a people of Gaul; the word seems to be a corruption from Aedui, C. v. 24 Etesian winds detain Caesar at Alexandria, which involves him in a new war, C. iii. 107 Eusubii, corrupted from Unelli, or Lexovii, properly the people of Lisieux, in Normandy

We suspect that Dol is really the most justly proportioned of the three, though in many points its outline is the one which would least commend itself to popular taste. The central tower is still lower than that at Lisieux; it is rather like that of St. Canice at Kilkenny, only just rising above the level of the roof.

Extent of the massacre. Magnanimity of Catholic officers. The Bishop of Lisieux. Noble replies to the king's decree. The higher law. Attempted justification. Punishment of Coligni. Valor of the survivors. Pledges of aid. Prophecy of Knox. Apology of the court. Opinions of the courts of Europe. Rejoicings at Rome. Atrocity of the deed. Results of the massacre. Retribution.

"We are getting outside of the question," said the Duchess, striking her bell. "Moreover, is not the assistance of these ladies necessary?" "Indispensable," the secretary replied. "Their assistance will greatly increase the receipts." "What sum shall we decide upon as the price of admission?" asked Madame de Lisieux. "Twenty francs," said Desvanneaux.

De Brion took care of the comedy and violins, and I looked after a good collation. We went to the Archbishop's house at Saint Cloud, where the comedians did not arrive till very late at night. M. de Lisieux admired the violins, and Madame de Vendome was hugely diverted to see her daughter dance alone. I, being next the door opposite to Mademoiselle de Vendome, bade the coachman drive on.

Jean Cibot, called Pille-Miche, one of the boldest brigands of the corps formed by Montauran in the year VII., and a participator in the attack upon the courier of Mortagne and his murder. Francois Lisieux, called Grand-Fils, refractory of the department of the Mayenne. Charles Grenier, called Fleur-de-Genet, deserter from the 69th brigade.

Without telling her aunt of this discovery she announced to that lady that it was her great wish to go on and see the beauties of Lisieux. But though her aunt was simple, there were bounds to her simplicity. 'Paula, she said, with an undeceivable air, 'I don't think you should run after a young man like this. Suppose he shouldn't care for you by this time.

She had been at the conference too, though I am very well assured she understood nothing of the matter; but the favourable opinion she had of me was owing to the Bishop of Lisieux, her spiritual director, who, finding I was disposed to follow my profession, which out of his great love to me he most passionately desired, made it his business to magnify the few good qualities I was master of; and I am thoroughly persuaded that what applause I had then in the world was chiefly owing to his encouragement, for there was not a man in France whose approbation could give so much honour.