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"My ear-rings! my ear-rings! they were pearls in silver set, That when my Moor was far away, I ne'er should him forget, That I ne'er to other tongue should list, nor smile on other's tale, But remember he my lips had kissed, pure as those ear-rings pale When he comes back, and hears that I have dropped them in the well, Oh, what will Muça think of me, I cannot, cannot tell.

Scipio played with all his soul, his eyes uprolled, his lips parted, his woolly head nodding, his vast foot beating time; young Eli, black and shining, seconded him ably; without the doors and windows gathered the house servants, absorbed, admiring, laughing without noise. The April wind, fragrant of greening forests, ploughed land, and fruit trees, blew in and out the long, thin curtains.

She could say no more, for tears choked her voice, and Paulus, without listening to her lamentation, passed quickly on in front of her, entered the cave and laid the unconscious man down on the couch, saying gravely but kindly, as Sirona threw herself on her knees and pressed the young man's powerless hand to her lips, "If indeed you truly love him, cease crying and lamenting.

Go back to camp and build a fire and hollow out the feathered biped." Ras slouched obediently off toward the hay-camp. "You've hay in your ears!" exclaimed Diane, biting her lips. "I'm a nomad!" announced Philip calmly. "So's Erastus so's Dick Whittington here. I'm likely to have hay in my ears for months to come.

He next altered the binding of his hair a little, cut his lips deeply for a set purpose, and then reposing upon the couch of the inner chamber he took up one of Chou-hu's pipes and awaited Tsae-che's return. "It is unendurable that they of the silk market should be so ill-equipped," remarked Tsae-che discontentedly as she entered.

His hands and feet turned cold, his eyes glowed, and the power to move even a finger had wholly deserted him; only his lips twitched, and his inward eye, looking back on the past with preternaturally sharpened vision, saw, far away and beyond, the last frightful hour.

"Oh, Charlotte, I love you, only you, and once more I am by your side!" A shriek! was it a cry of surprise or delight? Who let the guitar fall to the floor, he or she? Who embraced the other in affectionate haste, he or she? Who pressed the lips so lovingly to the other lips, he or she? And who said, "I love you? What bliss to again repose in your affection, I would fain die now.

It is no wonder a broken heart to be with your father and your mother; the white-breasted mother that crooned you, and you a baby; your wedded wife, O thousand treasures, that never set out your bed; and the day you went to Trabawn, how well it failed you to come home. Your eyes are with the eels, and your lips with the crabs; and your two white hands under the sharp rule of the salmon.

Tell me again what the Woman looked like. I want her to be as well known to both of us, years hence, as she is now." I obeyed; wondering what strange fancy might be working in her mind. I spoke; and she wrote the words as they fell from my lips: "Light gray eyes, with a droop in the left eyelid. Flaxen hair, with a golden-yellow streak in it. White arms, with a down upon them.

Here, I suppose the folly of the whole repetition dawned upon me, for, of a sudden, I shut my lips firm and close, and bethought me of the man in the next room. What of him? Was he still there? I listened. There was no sound, not so much as of a heavy sleeper.