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This sweet reciprocity was, however, so personal that onlookers did not see it, and so swift that Liot appeared to answer promptly enough: "It would be a good thing for us all if we should hear a new story. As for me, the game is up. I can think of nothing to-night but my poor kinsman Gisli, and he was not a lucky man, nor is it lucky to speak of him."

In a loud tone he bade his men cease rowing, and then, clapping his hand to his mouth, asked in a voice that had a ring of scornful command what name the captain bore. "Estein, the son of Hakon, King of Sogn; and who are you who ask my name?" came the reply across the water. "Liot, the son of Skuli," answered the man in the red cloak. "With me sails Osmund Hooknose, the son of Hallward.

He was afraid to turn back and equally afraid to go forward; twice already the moonlight had deceived him, and he had nearly stepped into the water; so he thought it worth his while to say: "Good evening, Liot; I am glad you came this road; it is a bad one a devilish bad one! I wish I had taken a boat. I shall miss the tide, and I was looking to sail with it.

At last Estein saw he was observed, and passing his hand across his brow as if to sweep away his thoughts, asked wearily, "Where do we go now, Helgi?" "Your spell needs a violent remedy, and I have that on my mind that may cure it. What say you to letting Liot Skulison know that he did not slay us all?

"Too hard, too hard! after two sleepless nights he cannot fight long like this," exclaimed Helgi. So thought Liot, and he bided his time with patience. He was opposed, however, by one of the best and most determined swordsmen in Norway, and Estein as well as any one knew the risk he ran.

If it had not been for this man Liot could have shared his wife's hopes and said farewell to her with the thought of heaven in his heart; but the very memory of Bele sank him below the tide of hope. God was even then "entering into judgment with him," and what if he should not be able to endure unto the end, and so win, though hardly, a painful acceptance?

Thord the Tall and I both live, and I would know whether the gods would have it so. Wherefore I meet Liot this morning." "Then you have spared Olaf's burner for the sake of the burner's daughter?" "I had eaten his bread and shared his dwelling for six weeks, and but for that daughter I had never lived to meet him." "He slew your brother, Estein." "There is no need to remind me of that."

If seventy brave men cannot clear a hall of two hundred drinkers, what virtue lies in stout hearts and sharp swords? We will enter the hall, you from one end and I from the other, and I think the men of Liot Skulison will not have to complain of too peaceful an evening." "We must catch them, then, while they are feasting.

It was more passive than active; it was more virulent when he was absent than when he was present; and all winter she suffered him to visit at her house. These visits had various fortunes, but, good or bad, the season wore away with them; and as soon as April came Liot began to build his house. Matilda scoffed at his hurry.

Then, when all was well over and the child stood trembling with exhaustion, Liot drew him close to his side, and pushed his wet hair from his brow, and said with proud tenderness, "You are a good, brave boy. God bless you, David!" And the happy upward look of the child had his mother's smile in it, and before Liot knew what he was doing he had stooped and kissed him.