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It's hard to make a carpenter believe that plastering cracks because his joists and furrings and studs won't hang together, but it's true a good many times. You like, also, to have something more than a good man's assurance, that the furnace pipes are "all right," and will sleep better on windy nights if you have seen all exposed corners guarded by a double lining.

"Here, as you perceive, is the inner pocket prolonged into the lining in such fashion as to give ample space for the truncated fowling piece.

He remembered now that he had seen the name of "Gay, Rue de la Michodiere," printed in black letters on the soft white kid lining. "You have a handsome pair of boots, sir," he said. "Like everything else about him," said Coralie. "I should be very glad of your bootmaker's address." "Oh, how like the Rue des Bourdonnais to ask for a tradesman's address," cried Coralie.

Widow Clemens while repairing that lining and patching it had been interrupted by Kranitski's return; and now, wearing great steel-rimmed glasses, and with a brass thimble on her middle finger, she sat down again. She examined a rent through which wadding peeped out on the world, cautiously.

The hosses were now lining up for the start, it was with a touch of malice that Marianne said: "I suppose that's one of your range types? That faded old chestnut just walking up to get in line?" Corson started to answer and then rubbed his eyes to look again. It was Alcatraz plodding towards the line of starters, his languid hoofs rousing a wisp of dust at every step.

He was wondering all the time over the extraordinary clairvoyance of the publisher, who had looked through so many thick folds, broadcloth, lining, brown paper, and seen his poems lying hidden in his breast-pocket. The idea that a young person coming on such an errand should have to explain his intentions would have seemed very odd to the publisher.

Marjorie did not like to sew, and was not very adept at it, but she had tried very hard to make this bag neatly, that it might be presentable enough for her mother to carry when she went anywhere and carried her work. So Midget had bought a lovely pattern of brocaded silk for the outside, and a dainty pale green satin for the lining.

Then, untying a parcel and flushing as if she were embarrassed, Miss Victoria laid a dressing gown over the reclining figure. The gown was a beautiful one, with nothing of the plainness or severity one might have imagined Miss Victoria would choose. It was of blue silk, the shade known as old blue, indescribably deep and soft in tone. The lining was of pale gray.

Had they opened the great doors in order to attack us, I should have charged home upon them; but, as I had expected, they stood upon the defensive, lining the long wall and pouring down a torrent of hootings and taunts and derisive laughter upon us. A few fired their muskets, but finding that we were out of reach they soon ceased to waste their powder.

The restoration of the colours, according to the second drawing, was then resolved on and carried out, and, as a result, "the dalmatic, instead of being a pink, is now a dull scarlet, with a green lining, and the shoes are painted yellow." Matters are still worse when we see Mr. Stevens, at the time."