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A dramatic and subtle sense of distance, such a powerful agent of spiritual injection in the hands of real artists is in this work absent; never skilfully employed either for negative or positive reflections of emotion. Linear perspective there is, and employed to much scenic advantage; but aerial perspective, utilised towards expressing overlapping figures, there is not, save in meagre degree.

I might give one more instance from my own experience. A variety of the evening-primrose with small linear petals was once found by one of my sons growing wild near Amsterdam. It was represented by only one individual, flowering among a great many of the ordinary type with broad petals.

The buildings of Leo Battista Alberti, of Brunelleschi, and of Bramante are distinguished by an exquisite purity and grace combined with picturesqueness. No edifice in any style is more stately, and at the same time more musical in linear proportions, than the Church of S. Andrea at Mantua.

The thing would be no more mysterious, however, to a consciousness embracing four dimensions within its ken, than the transfer of an object from the inside to the outside of a plane figure without crossing its linear boundary is mysterious to us. The temporary possession of a person's body, or some member of that body, by an alien will, as exemplified in automatic writing and obsession.

But, as knowledge advanced, this conception ceased to be tenable in the crude form in which it was first put forward. Taking into account existing animals and plants alone, it became obvious that they fell into groups which were more or less sharply separated from one another; and, moreover, that even the species of a genus can hardly ever be arranged in linear series.

The craters in many cases, possibly in the majority if we could detect them, have central mountains, some of them being excellent tests for telescopic definition as, for example, the central peaks of Hortensius, Bessarion, and that of the small crater just mentioned on the east wall of Thebit A. A tendency to a linear arrangement is often displayed, especially among the smaller class, as is also their occurrence in pairs.

She turned her head. The colonel was standing by the archaeologists' table; Captain Field and the airdyne pilot had gone out. "He found a lot of Greek inventories of military stores," Penrose continued. "They were in Cretan Linear B script, and at the head of each list was a little picture, a sword or a helmet or a cooking tripod or a chariot wheel. That's what gave him the key to the script."

Where volcanic heat, therefore, operates at such a depth as not to obtain vent at the surface, in the form of an eruption, it may nevertheless be conceived to give rise to upheavals, foldings, and faults in certain linear tracts.

Farther towards the east lies another group of a very similar character, called the Straight Range, from its linear regularity. It extends from west to east for a distance of about 60 miles, being a few miles shorter than the last, and includes a peak of 6000 feet. The Harbinger Mountains.

It was, in short, that the proper subject for an artist deficient in linear design is sunrise. "He explained the matter to me with zest. 'By morning you've half forgotten the look of things. All night you've seen only dreams that don't have any true form, and when the first light comes, nothing shows solid for what it is. The mist uncovers a little here and there, and you wonder what's beneath.