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At the end of the cotton wool lay two emeralds about the size of half dollars and half an inch in thickness, polished, and as vividly green as a dragonfly in the sun, fit for the turban of Schariar, spouse of Scheherazade. Rodin would have seized upon the young man's attitude the limp body, the haggard face hewn it out of marble and called it Conscience.

"Mount, sir, mount for God's sake! They'll be on us in a minute." But tugging still at the limp and lifeless form, Davies did not seem to hear. The fierce clamor of the charge was receding. Already the second and third platoons had cleared the village and were reining about and rallying on the flats up-stream.

The cowman ordered his men to go down with the party, to water the horses and bring back food and water for the camp. The surgeon had said that his patient could not be moved for many days. But before the party rode off, each man, from the sheriff to the youngest of the punchers, came to where Ashton was still lying on the grass, and took his limp hand in theirs.

I'll save you!" shouted the captain of the Monarch. The next instant he reached up, and turned off the electric current. Washington fell in a limp heap on the floor of the engine room. He was freed from the grip of the electricity that had held him as in a vise. The professor ran to a medicine closet and got a remedy which he administered to the unfortunate one.

Tears welled up in her eyes, at thoughts of Miss Lucy; but with a mighty effort she winked them back. "There! try that, and see how it fits." Aunt Jane had emerged from the depths of a dark closet, and now tossed a limp calico print towards Polly. The child could discern soiled patches on front and sleeves, and she revolted against the unclean garment; but silently she put it on.

Helen said in tones so quiet that he hesitated. "She has only fainted." He laughed at that. "Don't think I'm worrying, but she's mine, and I'll do what I like with her." He drew up her limp body and held it until it seemed to be merged into his own, and though his mouth was close on hers, he did not kiss it.

And the long grey wolf padded beside him with a limp tongue lolling out between the ragged palings which stood him for teeth. In the middle of the Piazza was a fountain, and above the fountain a tall stone crucifix.

Accompanying Fulton to the sidewalk, he climbed into the automobile and, in a few minutes, was in the library asking for the first volume of the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His limp proclaimed his identity, and the young woman at the desk, recognizing him, got the book for him with surprising promptness.

The light caught a moving, hairy mass of brown a huge, squat, terrible creature, its back now toward them. At one side Stern saw a vague blackness the long, unbound hair of Beatrice! He glimpsed a white arm dangling limp; and in his breast the heart flamed at white-heat of rage and passion. But his hand was steel. Never in his life had he drawn so fine a bead.

"Oh-h!" suddenly cried Nell, in shuddering tones. They all gazed at her in amazement. Every vestige of color had receded from her face, leaving it marblelike. Her eves were fixed in startled horror. Suddenly she relaxed her grasp on the windowsill and fell back limp and senseless. Heckewelder ran to the door to look out, while the others bent over the unconscious girl, endeavoring to revive her.