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The slowing up of the limousine aroused him from his meditations, and he glanced out of the window to see which way they were headed. London, the metropolis of the civilized world, lay behind him. Catching his chauffeur's backward glance, he signaled him to continue onward as, removing his pipe, he muttered: "Gott strafe England!"

Vincent Astor and William Dobbyn, Colonel Astor's secretary, greeted her and hurried her to a waiting limousine which contained clothing and other necessaries of which it was thought she might be in need. The young woman was white-faced and silent. Nobody cared to intrude upon her thoughts. Her stepson said little to her. He did not feel like questioning her at such a time, he said.

Archie dragged himself into a handsome limousine that was brought to the curb by a chauffeur as impeccably tailored as the footman. "Well, George, how are things with you?" asked the Governor pleasantly. "Very good, sir; things running very smoothly, sir." "Drive directly home, please.

Block after block, as far as the eye could see, the gorgeous procession moved up, moved down, and the great, gleaming motor cars crept, and crawled, and writhed in and out, like nothing so much as swollen angle worms in a fishing can, Fanny thought. Her eye was caught by one limousine that stood out, even in that crush of magnificence.

The longshoreman grunted, rolled over, and continued to snore obliviously. An automobile honk-honked up Twenty-third Street, and then swung around in a swift curve toward the dock. The investigating kicker slunk away, down the street. The limousine drew up at the entrance to the tender gangway. Accompanied by a portly servant, a young man in a fur coat, stepped from the machine.

After a while, an olive-green limousine piloted by a policeman in uniform and helmet floated in and grounded. The six of us got into it, and it lifted again. The car let down in a vehicle hall in the administrative area, and the police second lieutenant, Chris Xantos, was waiting alone, armed only with the pistol that was part of his uniform and wearing a beret instead of a helmet.

It was much larger than electric carriages usually are. It had what the writers of 'motoring notes' in papers written by the wealthy for the wealthy love to call a 'limousine body. And outside and in, it was miraculously new and spotless.

At this instant I started to take a long breath of pure morning air and hesitated, then I caught the alert eye of the chauffeur, who was grinning. "What are you burning? Fish oil?" said I. "Mon Dieu, monsieur " began the chauffeur. "Cheese," called down the curé, pointing to a round paper parcel on the roof of the limousine. "Tanrade got it at daylight; woke up the whole village getting it."

Spencer, considerably shaken by the force Miller had used in thrusting him back against the side of the car, muttered a string of curses, which ended abruptly as Miller's elbow came in sharp contact with his ribs. Too bewildered for speech, Kathleen rested her head against the upholstered back of the limousine.

And then she's given me such a tremendous amount already if I never get any more, I must be thankful for that." Sally spent a rapturous week in New York, and came home with her modest trousseau all bought and glowing accounts of the good times she had had. "The very first thing Sylvia did, the morning after we got there," she said, "was to buy a new limousine and hire a man to run it.