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"MacCallum, ye limb of Beelzebub," said the fearfu' Sir Robert, "bring Steenie the pipes that I am keeping for him!" MacCallum brought a pair of pipes might have served the piper of Donald of the Isles.

"Our own brave fellows call aloud for vengeance on the traitor; nay, had I not rescued him from their hands, they would have torn him limb from limb in their rage. But there are others, Seaton alas! the more numerous body now and they speak not, but with moody brows and gloomy mutterings prowl up and down the courts."

"They have reason for it, Mistress Dawe." "Their friends should respect it." "I was hoping to increase it. Why, thinkest thou, did I resolve to risk life and limb in the Indies, unless to gather wealth, that I might lay it at thy feet?" "Nay; thou wert bitten by the flea of adventure, and must needs rush about the world to deaden the itching.

The fragrance of the former adds to the pleasure of using the latter. When not in use hang your bow on a peg or nail slipped beneath the upper loop of the string; do not stand it in a corner, this tends to bend the lower limb. Keep it in a warm, dry room; preserve it from bruises and scratches. Wax it and the string often. Care for it as you would a friend; it is your companion in arms.

The survivor still clung here, and Zeb who had been vaguely wondering how on earth he contrived to keep his seat and yet hold on by the rope without being torn limb from limb now discovered this end of the mast to be so tightly jammed and tangled against the wreck as practically to be immovable.

The young man was in the bedroom, lying on the bed, dressed, and in a sort of stupor. As Kate bent over him, and spoke, he opened his eyes, dull and heavy. "Harry, dear," Kate said, kissing him, "what is the matter? Are you ill?" Harry Danton made an effort to raise, but fell back on the pillow. "My head aches as if it would split open, and I feel as if I had a ton-weight bearing down every limb.

One high-spirited young man in particular, being incited thereto by a pair of mischievous bright eyes in an opposite window, actually descended this fearful precipice rather than return, to the great peril of life and limb, and manifest injury to his Sunday clothes. Dogs, goats, and horses constituted the fauna of our neighborhood.

It is so; while the rivers run and the mountains stand, while the blossoms come and go on the trees, it must be so. He is thine, my children; deal justly by him." Not a limb was moved, nor was a breath drawn louder and longer than common, until the closing syllable of this final decree had passed the lips of Tamenund.

Hayden lay sick seven weeks, and arose a weak and nervous invalid, "doomed to carry a still limb all her life," the physicians said. They could not discover why her limb was stiff, but there was no help for it. How did she bear the change in her life and circumstances?

I reckon maybe that's what's the trouble now." "Shucks! Witches ain't got no power in the daytime." "Well, that's so. I didn't think of that. Oh, I know what the matter is! What a blamed lot of fools we are! You got to find out where the shadow of the limb falls at midnight, and that's where you dig!" "Then consound it, we've fooled away all this work for nothing.