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"That will probably be the only bright spot in the day for Frieda." "You forget," said Lily reprovingly, "that Frieda is to be met by our Captain!" "That's right, Lil! She's lucky!" She looked dreamily out of the window, not seeing the rain, but thinking of the first time Miss Phillips had talked with her. From the very start she had meant more to Marjorie than any of the sorority girls.

"Do, bogh," said Grannie cheerfully, "and Pete shall go with you." "Oh, no; I must be quite alone, mother." "Aw, aw! A lil errand, maybe! Shopping is it? Presents, eh? Take your tay, then." And Grannie rolled the blind, saying, "A beautiful morning you'll have for it, too. I can see the spire as plain as plain." Then, turning about, "Did you hear the bells this morning, Kitty?"

"Mass' George not seem very better." "But I am. I'll get up directly. But tell me, Pomp, how was it all?" "How was?" "Yes; how did it happen?" "Done know, Mass' George. 'Pose Injum come over big fence and jump on and knock poor lil nigger and Mass' George down.

Lil Artha came very nearly upsetting all Elmer's plans when he saw this brutal act of the man, for he started to gain his feet, and had to be pulled down by violence, shivering with excitement. Hen had gone back to his task again, looking thoroughly cowed and disheartened.

"I give you one lil' charm fo' to ween him back, yaas. You wear h'it 'roun' you' wais', an' he come back. Den you mek prayer at St. Rocque an' burn can'le. Den you come back an' tell me, yaas. Cinquante sous, ma'amzelle. Merci. Good luck go wid you." Readjusting her veil, Manuela passed out the little wicket gate, treading on air.

Mike lil' Injun, so big, Mike take canoe oop and down," explained the trapper, holding his hand down to his knees to show the boys how long he had been acquainted with the treacherous channel. Paul was soaked and Meredith partially wet, so the boys ran over to the raft where a hot fire was soon blazing to dry off their outer clothing.

Do not make known its contents even to " The maiden paused for a moment. Filial affection, too cruelly crushed, was causing her voice to falter. Tremblingly and low muttered came the words: "Our father !" "Dear Lil!" proceeded she in a firmer tone, "you know how dearly I loved you? I love you still the same. You know I would have risked my life to save yours.

The breathless audience, leaning forward, read the visitor's commendation in his face. Bonaventure, beaming upon him, extended one arm, the other turned toward the child, and cried, shaking both hands tremulously: "Another! another word! another to the same!" "Mouse," said the stranger, and Bonaventure turned and cried: "Mah-ooseh! my nob'e lil boy!

"It would be too bad, now," said Ted, "if they managed to haul both of them up before we could get Hen in hand, and hear hith thory of what happened." "That's a fact," added Lil Artha. "We know the Chief, and that he'd take Hen back to town just like he was a real criminal.

"Don't, lil' Cyn," he whispered, "you do not understand, but you must not speak so to me." Then she laughed. "Oh! I reckon I know what you mean, Sandy. I've been through it all and run away from it! Sandy, tell me true; before the good and great God, doesn't that poor girl belong to Lans more than I do?" "Yes!" "Isn't his duty to her?" "Yes, yes, lil' Cyn." "Then what is left?