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But there is an impartiality which ends in utter injustice; which by saying carelessly to every quarrel, 'Both are right, and both are wrong, leaves only the impression that all men are wrong, and ends by being unjust to every one. So has Elizabeth and Essex's quarrel been treated. There was some evil in Essex; therefore Elizabeth was a fool for liking him.

"Well," he said, and he looked at her questioningly, and not liking to tell her in so many words that he had come to Dulwich to see her, he entered into the question of the text of the hymn, which was imperfect. Many notes were missing, and had been conjecturely added by a French musician, and he had wished to consult Mr. Innes about them.

His words carried with them a world of hope, and suddenly I felt as if some great blessing were perhaps hovering above, like the big, circling sea-birds, and might descend to me. Then Dr. Johnson came out and greeted the little parson, who has taken a great liking to him.

He delighted in the good things of the world; no one could order a dinner better; no one could better judge a picture; no one had a more pure and hearty liking for pretty faces; and it must be added, that few men had more worldly wisdom of the kind needed for everyday use.

I think he was hardly aware how much he was implying, at least not in its relation to her, else he would not have said it. And he would surely have noticed, as I did, that the word "love," which had not been mentioned before it was "liking," "fond of," "care for," or some such round-about, childish phrase the word "love" made Maud start.

"That's all right, Sig." Nobody wasted any compliments on him. After the fashion of their kind, they guyed the Norwegian about the bath he had taken. Nevertheless, Fraser knew that he had won the liking of these men, as well as their deep respect.

He said it whether it was appropriate or not, liking the sound of it and the reaction it drew from family and playmates. Now Cathy tossed her head and glared at him. "I was sorry that Andy broke your model satellite but now I'm not." "Who cares?" "Make Jerry stop being so aggravating," Cathy begged her mother. "Come on. We haven't time to try to reform your brother this morning.

Since it's sure we can't be disconnected from the family, the trick is to turn the misfortune to a profit; and allow me the observation, that an old family, sir, and a high and titled family, is not to be despised for a background of a portrait in naval uniform, with medal and clasps, and some small smoke of powder clearing off over there: that's if we're to act sagaciously in introducing an unknown candidate to a borough that has a sneaking liking for the kind of person, more honour to it.

Think with what a courteous welcome this woman received me 'Here you are again! she said. 'You'll come once too often for your own good, and that I tell you. I answered that every time I came it appeared to be once too often for her liking.

"Well," she said, "he's sometimes called hard, and he's a little prejudiced on certain points, but he can be very staunch to those he takes a liking to." "I believe," Edgar rejoined, "that also applies to you; I don't mean the first of it." Flora changed the subject. "I gather that you're not favorably impressed with the place." "I'm not.