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"Carietta's been to see the cops twice," she sobbed; "and I ain't been any." I only gathered from this that Carietta was somehow implicated as being the cause of the infant Sophronia's sufferings. "Now," said I gravely; "tell me what you mean?" "She means the cops!" cried Carietta, her small face distorted with a leer of the most horrid satisfaction, "'Lihu's cops. 'Phrony means the "

Once at some irrelevancy in the proceedings, while the women were organizing the prayer-meeting, I heard his irrepressible little giggle creeping in; but when the words so mysteriously uttered were passed out to him "Lihu's gone!" the poor boy, realizing only at that instant their terrible meaning, that his father had indeed gone, gone away from him forever, ran forward a pace or two, and then fell, with his face to the ground.

To any sentiments of the latter nature, Harvey was particularly susceptible. "Children, all of them!" Thus gently apostrophizing the Wallencampers, I dismissed the cause of my brief mental discomfiture, with a half-pitying smile. The day after Mr. 'Lihu's death, I looked down from my desk in school to see the infant Sophronia weeping bitterly. "What is the matter, Sophronia?" I said.

'Lihu's funeral as a holiday of rare and special interest, mysteriously bestowed by Heaven. Aunt Rhoda had previously informed me that it was expected I would have no school that afternoon. The West Wallen minister officiated on the occasion with an aspect neither more nor less funereal than he had worn at Lovell's wedding.

"I wish you'd step into Lihu's such a poor, sufferin' creetur as he is with these," said Grandma, appearing from the pantry with some eggs in her apron. "I wish you could take the consolations of religion with you, Madeline," she continued gravely, as Mrs. Philander was closing the door. "Lord, ma! my pocket's full now!" exclaimed Madeline. "Besides, they might break the eggs!"

It was finally decided that there should be a quiet little prayer-meeting in the room where the women sat, in behalf of Mr. 'Lihu's soul; but before all the preliminary steps had been taken, and the men and youth noiselessly ingathered, Mr. 'Lihu's breathing had ceased, without a parting pang or gasp, and the tide was at its full. Harvey had been standing with a group near the door.