United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'H'm because I like them, I suppose, said he lightly. 'Don't you like sad impressions sometimes? 'Yes, sometimes, perhaps. 'When you are full of trouble. 'Yes. 'Well, why shouldn't I when I am full of trouble? 'Are you troubled? 'I am troubled. He said this thoughtfully and abruptly so abruptly that she did not push the dialogue further. He now played more powerfully.

We stopped to breathe our horses at Khan Minyeh, the site, some scholars assert, of the once beautiful city of Capernaum, and then rode along a rocky road to Tel Hun, at the end of the lake, chosen by the best judgment of the day as the actual spot where the city, exalted by her pride to heaven, rested lightly on the earth.

There were signs that his formal tone had cost him an effort, but the fact that, slightly dazed as he was, he had forced himself to make it, and had called her Miss Stirling, was significant, and Ida fell in with the course he had adopted. It was difficult for both of them, but she recognized that the matter must be passed over as lightly and as speedily as possible.

Virginia, covered in many places with dense forests, crossed by many rivers, and with most indifferent communications, is a most difficult theatre of war, and the amenities of the Virginian spring are not to be lightly faced. Napoleon's fifth element, "mud," is a most disturbing factor in military calculations.

Laramie, at all events, took the words lightly. He answered Hawk's question with another. But his retort and manner were as easy as Hawk's question and expression were hard. "Why don't you?" The bearded man across the table did not hesitate nor did he cast about for words. On the contrary, he replied with embarrassing promptness: "I will, sometime."

Then, as if to turn the subject, he continued lightly: "It is a fair scene, and a fabulous one." Undine began to have a slight suspicion as to whom her companion might be, and was far from comfortable in her mind. The hit at the river might have been only a chance one; but this was doubtful, if Mephistopheles turned out to be either Mortimer Shelton or Jasper Vermont, as she half feared.

When the first group of trees had sheltered him from the view of the infatuated spinster, should she still be gazing after him, Mr. Percy paused, and standing in the shadow, produced a cigar and was proceeding to light it, when a hand fell lightly upon his arm, and he turned with a confused idea that she had followed him, and was about to lead him back a prisoner.

She did not need now to analyze her feelings. They were only too evident. For she could translate what she had just seen as meaning only one thing that she had considered Philip's love so lightly that she had not felt it passing away from her until her neglect had killed it until it was too late. And now that it was too late she felt that without it her life could not go on.

They take it for theirs 'with joy, but are strangers to the deep exercises of penitence and sorrow which should precede the joy. 'Lightly come, lightly go, is true in Christian life as elsewhere. Converts swiftly made are quickly lost.

So the Police were doing their part to forewarn the authorities, but the men at Regina and Ottawa either did not get all these warnings, or else they treated them too lightly.