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Behind the schooners the wharves and the red brick warehouses, the elms and the white houses on the hill, the tall spires all drew backwards into the westering sun. A low gray lighthouse came into sight; the Swallow dipped and rose; and the breeze freshened as they entered the lower bay. A great ship was slowly rounding the point, bound outward, too, laboring into the deep for what?

Behind the Mayo house was the crest of Cannon Hill, more hills, pastures and swamps, scattered houses and pine groves. Then began the tumbled, humped waste of sand dunes, and, over their ragged fringes of beach plum and bayberry bushes, the deep blue of the wide Atlantic. The lighthouse was a white dot and the fish shanties a blotch of brown.

"I'll make ye rich!" persisted Dinshaw, in his high-pitched, quivering voice, and giving no heed to the admonitions of the black man and not in the least disconcerted by the lack of welcome. "I'm goin' to my island!" "Der more kvicker, der more petter," said Vanderzee, and humped his shoulders up with a convulsive shrug. "Maype you prink it back und anchor it off der lighthouse, hey?"

"Do you realize that two worlds are watching us the world of The Beaches and the movie world as well?" "Hang 'em!" announced Lawford with emphasis, his eyes shining. "Think! I've never even thanked you for what you did for me that day. I thought Betty Gallup hauled me out of the sea till Jonas Crabbe at the lighthouse put me wise." "Never mind that," she said. "Tell me, how do you like your work?

He saw, too, the tower of a lighthouse, a dark foundation supporting a changing light above; and then the road turned sharply to the left and, after a few hundred yards, curved again to the north. Suddenly the chauffeur slowed down. On either side were groves of trees. Ahead were the lights of an approaching motor. Orme was still at a loss, and the girl was awaiting some decision from him.

Young Blight was gone, the coffee-house waiter was gone, the plates and dishes were gone, the wine was going but not in the same direction. 'The wind sounds up here, quoth Eugene, stirring the fire, 'as if we were keeping a lighthouse. I wish we were. 'Don't you think it would bore us? Lightwood asked. 'Not more than any other place. And there would be no Circuit to go.

"But why the devil don't they light up?" he demanded after a moment. "I call you to witness what the time is by our chronometer. I'll have it tested as soon as I step ashore, and if it's wrong I'll complain to the Company; if it's not, I'll send the Trinity House a letter'll lay those lighthouse fellows by the heels! Punctuality, sir, in the case of shipping life or death "

Time rolled on, and the lighthouse at length began to grow. It did not rise slowly, as does an ordinary building. The courses of masonry having been formed and fitted on shore during the winter, had only to be removed from the workyard at Arbroath to the rock, where they were laid, mortared, wedged, and trenailed, as fast as they could be landed.

Every night since, that light's been a-goin', and she puts it out herself every mornin' before she comes downstairs." "Perhaps she and Miss Ainslie had been talking of shipwreck, and she thought she would have a little lighthouse of her own," Miss Thorne suggested, when the silence became oppressive. "P'raps so," rejoined Hepsey. She had become stolid again.

"Of course I can," he replied, "for he is well known to his friends as a most able man, and will become better known to the world, if I may venture to prophesy, as the builder of what is sure to be the most famous lighthouse on the English coast. His name is Smeaton, and he is not an engineer." "Not an engineer?" echoed Teddy and old John, in surprise. "No, he's a mathematical instrument maker."