United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When every one's talking sae much of Bolsheviki and Soviets it's hard to follow what it's just all about. It's a serious subject aye, I'd be the last to say it wasna that! But, man there's sae little in this world that's no got its lighter side, if we'll but see it! I'm a great yin for consistency. Men are consistent mair than women, I think.

Then he, too, experienced that feeling of solitude which had weighed heavily on Decoud after the lighter had slipped off the shore. But while the man on the island was oppressed by a bizarre sense of unreality affecting the very ground upon which he walked, the mind of the Capataz of the Cargadores turned alertly to the problem of future conduct.

There, in the midst of the dying horrors of that storm there, on those familiar sands, where Mas'r Davy and Little Em'ly had so often looked for shells when they were children, on the very spot where some lighter fragments of the old boat, blown down the night before, had been scattered by the tempest, David Copperfield was heard describing, in the last mournful sentence of the Reading, how he saw him lying with his curly head upon his arm, as he had often seen him lie when they were at school together.

The first difficulty which confronted him was that due to the lack of landing facilities. Not anticipating, apparently, that he might be forced to disembark on an unsheltered coast, he had neglected to provide himself with suitable surf-boats, and was wholly dependent upon the small boats of the transports and a single scow, or lighter, which he had brought with him from Tampa.

"Pity me, O Sun!" he prayed; and turning away, he set off to look for the trail to the Sun's lodge. For many days he went on. He crossed great prairies and followed up timbered rivers, and crossed the mountains. Every day his sack of food grew lighter, but as he went along he looked for berries and roots, and sometimes he killed an animal. These things gave him food.

Uniacke, "when we perceived a number of natives, at the distance of about a mile, advancing rapidly towards the vessel; and on looking at them with the glass from the masthead, I observed one who appeared much larger than the rest, and of a lighter colour, being a light copper, while all the others were black." This light-coloured native turned out to be a white man, one Thomas Pamphlet.

By and by she turned the pillow over; it had grown wet. The wind blew about the eaves and blew itself out; she hardly heard it. Sleep would not come. She got up and laved her burning eyes. Then she sat by the window. The storm's strength was spent at last; the rain grew lighter and lighter, until there was but the sound of running water and the drip, drip on the tin roof of the porch.

Remember, the thinner the better the lighter the better and don't ask a lot of questions about it." With that the trap-door closed over her, and Jimbo was left alone with her last strange words ringing in his ears. It was not long before Jimbo realised that the House, and everything connected with it, spelt for him one message, and one only a message of fear.

He returned to his desolate house with a lighter tread; though in reason he hardly knew why his tread should be light.

Throughout the voice the same instrument is doing the work. So, too, with voices of different caliber, the coloratura, lyric and dramatic. Each and all of these may feel the dramatic spirit of the part, but the lighter quality of the voice may prevent the coloratura from expressing it. The world recognizes the dramatic singer in the size of the voice and of the person.