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Captain Roberts himself was the first to fall at the return fire of the Swallow; a grapeshot struck him in the neck, and he fell forward across the gun near to which he was standing at the time. A certain fellow named Stevenson, who was at the helm, saw him fall, and thought he was wounded. At the lifting of the arm the body rolled over upon the deck, and the man saw that the captain was dead.

Now, when Ioasaph had honoured with his tears his father that was dead, and had reverently cared for his body, he buried him in a sepulchre wherein devout men lay; not indeed clad in royal raiment, but robed in the garment of penitence. Standing on the sepulchre, and lifting up his hands to heaven, the tears streaming in floods from his eyes, he cried aloud unto God saying,

Reade, wholly discouraged, was about to give the order to make for camp. Turning about in the canoe, Reade discovered that Dalzell was in a brown study, slowly lifting his paddle and lifting it out again, but without watching his course. "Look out, Danny boy," cautioned Tom, "or you'll scratch the sides of the canoe on those bushes right ahead." Dan glanced up with a start, backing water.

You know my theory that all disturbing causes are in the heart." "I am not much interested in mental theories to-night am in no philosophic mood. I feel too deeply for analysis." "On what subject, Paul?" A little while the young man sat with his eyes upon the floor; then lifting them to the face of Mrs. Denison, he replied.

Folding his arms more closely as the chill wind of February swept in from seaward, Standish gazed upon all these objects as if they for the first time attracted his attention, and then, as the lifting fog revealed the distant landscape, he turned and fixedly regarded Captain's Hill rising in its bold isolation to the north.

In three days I will tell you, you shall know all. Let me, let me be happy," and he kissed her hands. "I love and I am loved." "Well, well, my child, be happy," she said, lifting him up. And she kissed his forehead and hair with the eagerness that a man condemned to death must feel as he lives through the last morning. "Ah! you are of all creatures the noblest and best!

When will you be my wife oh, when will you marry me, Hermione?" For answer she reached up her arms, sudden, passionate arms that clung about him close and strong; so they stood thus, heart beating to heart, thrilling at each other's nearness yet drawing ever closer until, lifting her head, she gave her lips to his. "Oh, my dear, my dear," she whispered, "is it right to love you so, I wonder?

Bessie leaned against the frail handrail and gazed into the depths, Severance standing by her side. The young man was the first to speak, and when he spoke it was not on the subject of the cataract. "Miss Durand," he said, "I love you. I ask you to be my wife." "Oh, Mr. Severance," replied Bessie, without lifting her eyes from the foaming chasm, "I hope that nothing in my actions has led you to "

They saw the reason as she halted at the entrance, lifting with one little hand the costly Navajo blanket that hung as a portière. In harmony with the glossy folds of richly dyed wool, she was habited in Indian garb from head to foot. In two black, lustrous braids, twisted with feather and quill and ribbon, her wealth of hair hung over her shoulders down the front of her slender form.

When you accede to the terms of the meeting I shall endeavor to give you all the satisfaction you demand! Good-morning, miss." And with a deep bow, even to the flaps of his saddle, he rode past her. "That base insult again!" cried Capitola, with the blood rushing to her face. Then lifting her voice, she again accosted him: "Mr. Le Noir!" He turned, with a smile.