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For example, lifting the feet from the bed, one foot may be lifted at a time, which is easier, or both may be lifted only a few inches at first. Second, the exercise may be performed more slowly and more vigorously. Third, by repeating the exercise a greater number of times. Fourth, by the addition of a greater number and variety of exercises. Sometimes a person is lame from practice.

Adelaide returned to consciousness only in time to be hurried away to make room for Vincent. His long, limp figure was carried past her in the corridor. She was told that in a few hours she might see him. But she wasn't, as a matter of fact, very eager to see him. The knowledge that he was to live, the lifting of the weight of dread, was enough.

The whole affair is not worth one of your tears." "Then you will come with me?" she cried excitedly, lifting her face to his. "I suppose I shall have to, since you talk about death sentences and terrible things of the kind." She embraced him frantically, rang the bell, threw the things that lay about anyhow into the box, and when the waiter came, ordered a carriage.

I don't deserve such a kind, loving husband!" she sighed; "and you ought to have a great deal better wife." "I am entirely satisfied with the one I have," lifting her hand to his lips. "There isn't a woman in the world I would exchange her for." "But I often do and say things you don't approve," she murmured, with a regretful sigh.

I bowed again, lifting my hat, and he went on. "I am now going to put his courage in the cause he has espoused to a severe test to a trial at which common nature would revolt, but he who is dedicated to be the sword of the Lord must raise himself above common humanity. You have a father and a brother according to the flesh: what do you know of them?"

Thus she deprived honest folk of what surely must have been to them the innocent pleasure of seeing a very young man in light but complete underwear, lifting from his head a Panama hat, new that day, in a series of courteous salutations.

The girl sat down beside Michael, and lifting him to her knee began to beguile him from his present misery with promises of songs, and snatches of tales, whose powers of enchantment had evidently been proved in similar circumstances, till finally his interest was diverted, his curiosity excited, and at length Michael was persuaded to join the company with smiling expectation of good things to come.

There is no pudding." "Salmagundi, then, and plenty of it." "That is out also, young master." "Eggs, and be quick." "Winter eggs are VERY poor eating," answered the innkeeper, puckering his lips and lifting his eyebrows. "No eggs? Well caviar." The Dutchman raised his fat hands: "Caviar! That is made of gold! Who has caviar to sell?"

I have hinted that these recovered sensations include the feelings we experience in connection with muscular activity, as in moving our limbs, resisting or lifting heavy bodies, and walking to a distant object. It is, indeed, these reproductions which are supposed to constitute the substantial background of our percepts.

The animal stepped daintily and proudly, lifting his little feet and planting them among the stones as though fastidiously. The man who rode with Don Gaspar was evidently of a lower class. He was, however, a straight handsome young fellow enough, with a dark clear complexion, a small moustache, and a pleasant smile.