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Giles Mallet and Robin Henslow fought with redhot brands out of the fire, till I thought we should all have died; and Giles the cleverest fellow and the wittiest, ho! ho! such a fellow was Giles! he took up the poker instead of the fir-log, and watched his opportunity, ho! ho! it was redhot too a good stout poker as ever you saw and ran it clean through his cheek you heard the tongue fizz! as it licked the hot iron 'twas a famous play.

'Idiot wench, the Chancellor suddenly yelped at her, 'ignorant, naughty harlot! You had better have died than have uttered those your pretty words. 'Why, Cromwell said gently, 'I am very sure that now you desire that your cousin should slay this traitor. He paused, licked his lips and held out a hand. 'Upon your life, he barked, 'tell no soul this secret.

Tom was struggling to get up. His right leg had gone into the yielding mass up to his hip, and despite his struggles he could not get it out. A long yellow flame shot out of the hole and almost licked his face. It, indeed, scorched his hair on one side of his head. But Nan did not scream again. She needed her breath, all that she could get, for a more practical purpose.

We could see the blaze reflected from the white canvas both of waggon and tents, and in a few seconds these were licked into the hot flames, and disappeared from our view. Of course we made no effort to save them. That would have been an idle and foolish attempt. We could not have approached the spot, without the almost certain danger of death.

"Not that way, Marty," she said quietly. She smiled thinly at Danglar, who, with genuinely frightened eyes now, seemed fascinated by the Sparrow's movements. "I wouldn't care to have anything happen to Mr. Danglar yet. He has been invaluable to me, and I am sure he will be again." The Sparrow brushed his hands across his eyes, and stared at her. He licked his lips again.

With a bound he had sprung upon me as I laid in the engineer's arms. He licked my face again and again. Then my hand was taken; I felt a kiss and heard a weak voice murmuring: "Remi! oh, Remi!" It was Mattia. I smiled at him, then I glanced round. A mass of people were crowded together in two straight rows, leaving a passage down the center.

Burton intervened with a simper. "Yes, she really is a naughty little thing, and I cannot say I shall be sorry when she is gone. My small son is at such a very receptive age." "Yes, he's old enough to go to school and be licked into shape," said Major Ralston brutally. "He flings stones at my car every time I pass. I shall stop and give him a licking myself some day when I have time."

The clerk stared at her with wide-opened eyes and mouth. Two hours later the news was in the mouth of every hussy in that section of the city. Gertrude was in bed. The day woman who did the cooking gave Philippina a plate with Jordan’s dinner on it: Meat, vegetables, and a few sour plums. Philippina ate two of the plums on the way up to his room, and licked her fingers.

He was on the Headquarters staff of the XIth Army, the army of occupation in Belgium, when I first met him. Let your country's agents find them if they can. This must I say for the Colonel: he was a brute and a drunkard, but in his own gross way he loved me, and he licked my boots at my desire, but I had to pay the price.

As the lioness licked her cubs, the lady patted her own little children; and she smoothed their cheeks and hair. The lioness saw that. The lady was just waiting for that. She came still nearer to the cage. Each time the lioness licked her cubs, the lady stroked the cheeks of her own children affectionately. Then the lady began to speak. She spoke in a very soft voice, very gently and very slowly.