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He is refreshing himself, in the midst of dusty, sophisticated Paris, with memories of their old, delightful existence vagabonde, libre, agreste, pastorale in their upland valley. He can appeal safely to the aged curé's friendly justice, even in exposing delicacies of sentiment which most men conceal:

Nice business for a respectable practitioner like me to be engaged in! Doctor Bryce, of Havana, consorting with Fenians from Canada, exiled German socialists, Cuban horse-thieves who would be hung in a week if they went to Texas, and a long-legged sailor man who calls himself a retired naval officer, but who looks like a pirate; and all shouting for Cuba Libre! Cuba Libre! It's plunder you want."

Over the dressing-table was the great scarlet fan which had played such a conspicuous part in the drama of "Cuba Libre," and it was pinned to the wall with a dagger of splendid and alarming appearance. The mirror was completely framed in photographs, mostly of dark-eyed señoritas in somewhat exaggerated toilets.

I have mine yet among my papers. "Natchez, 29 de Junio, de 1789. "Concedo libre y seguro paeaporte a Don David Ritchie para que pase a la Nueva Orleans por Agna. Pido y encargo no se le ponga embarazo." A few days more and we were running between low shores which seemed to hold a dark enchantment.

What is your opinion of prohibition and the uniformity of divorce laws? Have you ever written vers libre? Are " "Barry, stop bombarding the child!" exclaimed Mrs. Blair. "You are the first young man she has met in America. Stop making her fear the race." "Take him away and dance with him, Jane," said Mr. Blair. "This was probably prearranged, you know."

It had been a "success"; the life they had lived since Judy had let him know he could take her as he wished. Killigrew would as soon have married as have installed a woman as his mistress; the freedom of a union libre held no illusions for him. Yet to do him justice it was even more that he would have hated to have their relationship spoiled by anything so hard-and-fast.

And, as if matters were not bad enough already, along comes Mr. Edgar Lee Masters and invents vers libre. It is too early yet to judge the full effects of this man's horrid discovery, but there is no doubt that he has taken the lid off and unleashed forces over which none can have any control.

We were intensely voluble or silent by turns, and invented new nicknames for each other, which were so apt, spite of being touched with bitterness, that they stuck forevermore. And never, so far as I can remember, did any one mention the "Maine" or Cuba Libre.

"Come home to tea," Florentia said to certain friends who had stopped to speak to her in the lobby of the little theatre in Soho they had been present at a day performance by the company of the Theatre Libre, transferred for a week from Paris; and three of these Auberon and Dorriforth, accompanying Amicia turned up so expeditiously that the change of scene had the effect of being neatly executed.

They agreed that all communists were criminals; that this vers libre was tommy-rot; and that while there ought to be universal disarmament, of course Great Britain and the United States must, on behalf of oppressed small nations, keep a navy equal to the tonnage of all the rest of the world. Escott shook hands with Babbitt three times, at parting.