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The weightiest considerations of policy require that the restraints now proposed to be thrown around the measure should not for light causes be removed. To argue against any proposed plan its liability to possible abuse is to reject every expedient, since everything dependent on human action is liable to abuse.

If Sir Wilfrid had been called upon to choose only between these two camps he could perhaps have made a choice which would not have been ultimately a political liability. But the situation was not so simple. There was a third factor which, alike by inclination and political necessity, Sir Wilfrid had to take into account.

Osgood puts the Guardian back with a half a million dollars' liability scattered about down town." "Don't talk of so terrible a possibility as the burning of Boston," said the girl. "There has been one very great fire here. Surely there will never be another." "Surely not," agreed Smith. "At least for the sake of your fellow citizens and my fellow underwriters I cordially hope not.

Did you forget the services which he had rendered to Spain, or did you imagine that Spain had forgotten them? Might not any advice, however unpalatable, have been offered by such a benefactor, without liability to offence or misconstruction? Why did you neglect so happy an opportunity, and leave unemployed so fit an agent? Oh! blind to the interests of the Spanish people!

But the fact that all things are possible is no excuse for talking foolishly. It is true that in 1870 no man could have predicted Germany's capacity in 1910. We cannot expect to legislate for a generation or more. The secular changes in man's economic condition and the liability of human forecast to error are as likely to lead to mistake in one direction as in another.

"Then why doesn't he stand to his associates, and make them each pay back their fair share of the loot? That'd bring his liability down to about fifty thousand." "Because they won't give up without a contest in the courts. They deny your proofs you have those papers, haven't you?" "Safe, under lock and key," asserted Maitland sententiously. "When the time comes I'll produce them."

It seems that the greater the prominence of the place, the greater the danger and the less liability to arrest." "In diplomacy!" he acquiesced. "Then again, I say, Heaven save me from meddling in diplomacy!" "Amen, my lady! Moreover," he added, as they arose and passed into the corridor, "I want you as you are." Once again their eyes met she coloured and looked away. "Play the game, Mr.

Our present law of liability has shown surprisingly bad results. I have convinced myself, by actual occurrences, that the suits arising under this law often terminate unexpectedly and unfairly, if they are successful. And if they are unsuccessful, they are frequently equally unfair.

It may be asked, how two illiterate persons, like Peter and Ellish, could conduct business in which so much calculation was necessary, without suffering severely by their liability to make mistakes.

What may be still in store for me, I know not; but I have now brought myself to the peaceful and most comfortable condition of having no hopes of succeeding in anything, and therefore am freed, at least, from all liability to the pains of disappointment." And here ended the story of the little hump-backed gentleman in the bright yellow waistcoat.