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Lawrence cares comparatively little for delicacy; and the word restraint is not in his bright lexicon. In other words, he is aggressively "modern." He is one of the most skilful manipulators of free verse he can drive four horses abreast, and somehow or other reach the goal. He sees his own turbulent heart reflected stormily in every natural spectacle.

Few incidents during my unhappiest years are more vividly or circumstantially impressed upon my memory. The fear, to be sure, was absurd, but in the lurid lexicon of Unreason there is no such word as "absurd."

One of them makes verses and takes care to consult Hesychius' Lexicon. Something there immediately assures him that he is destined to be an imitator of Æschylus, and leads him to believe, indeed, that he 'has something in common with' Æschylus: the miserable poetaster!

Adams and Hancock and Franklin are paling stars, despite our printing-presses, have become little more than idle words in the school-boy's lexicon. Our proud Republic, our boasted civilization will pass, for change is the order of the universe. What records will they leave behind? What is to prevent them being as utterly forgotten as were Sargon's predecessors?

We were therefore of the unanimous opinion, that a lexicon like the one in contemplation by Mr. Fisk, was needed, not only by ourselves, but by the missionaries who should succeed us. Had he lived, he hoped to visit his native country, and probably publish some account of his Christian researches in the Levant.

Poverty and misery, in your lexicon, mean the same thing." "The same thing. There is no earthly evil that can equal poverty." They reached Killarney late in the evening, and drove to the "Victoria."

If she become as jealous of his books as other wives might be of his mistresses, she may act the virago even over his innocent papers. The wife of Bishop COOPER, while her husband was employed on his Lexicon, one day consigned the volume of many years to the flames, and obliged that scholar to begin a second siege of Troy in a second Lexicon.

"Yes, yes cucumber sandwiches by all means," she assented hastily, "and the ices just as you like! Plain, I think or did you say in cases? I don't care. Only don't fail me, Mr. Ludovici." Fail her? Mr. Ludovici's lexicon did not know the word. Susanna breathed more freely as she crossed the sunny village street to the train. The station platform was deserted and bare.

An artist's work is his life where he can work best is his home. Patriotism isn't quite so bad as old Ursa Major said, but the word is not to be found in the bright lexicon of Art. The artist knows no country. His home is the world, and those who love the beautiful are his brethren.

Hastily seizing a lexicon, he assumed the attitude of the seeker after knowledge, and said, 'Come in. It was not the House-master, but Evans, Morrison's fag, who entered with pride on his face and a piece of paper in his hand. 'I say, he began, 'you remember you told me to hunt up some tags for the poem. Will this do? Morrison took the paper with a judicial air.