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Arabella was not gentle, indeed she possessed a decidedly contrary streak, but she always feared offending Patricia, because Patricia could be very disagreeable when opposed. Patricia was still admiring the gaudy lettering when a door at the far end of the corridor opened.

There was something in the lettering of the poster that displeased him exceedingly, for, having scanned over it, he would turn away with a quickened pace, and mutter some incoherent sentences no one present could comprehend, but which his increasing nervousness betold were expressive of anger.

At her door was her morning paper, with its queer lettering; on the door, pinned low, was what looked like a note. Feeling sure that it had been left for him, Johnnie carried it half-way to the roof to get a light on its message, which was sorry news indeed: Der Jony my rebeka has so bad sicknus i needs to go by hir love Leah Kukor.

Who's it for?" "For you." "For me?" The man's fear burst from him in a shriek. "Whajamean for me?" From the lettering Morse read aloud. "'Bully West, Executed, Some Time late in March, 1875." And beneath it, "'May God Have Mercy on His Soul." Tiny beads of sweat gathered on the convict's clammy forehead. "You aimin' to to murder me?" he asked hoarsely. "To execute you." "With without a trial?

On the shore some fragments of broken boxes and packing cases appeared; and a sailor pointed out the European lettering painted on one sse de B . It plainly was part of the address to the Comtesse de Bourke. This encouraged the party in their search.

They went out of a door in the wall, a door that had a slab with a date set above it, 1713, but in the old multiplied lettering, and then had before them a small white gate, intensely white and clean amid all the greenness, through which they gradually passed to where some of the grandest trees spaciously clustered and where they would find one of the quietest places.

As he spoke, he indicated with his hand a huge pile of books, gayly jacketed in white and blue. I could make out the title in big gilt lettering GOLDEN DREAMS. "Oh, yes," repeated Mr. Sellyer. "This is Mr. Slush's latest book. It's having a wonderful sale." "That's all right, then," said the lady.

Being then pious, madame had hung about her walls short texts in fancy lettering, with a great deal of scroll-work in gold and carmine to make them look pretty. When she came into possession of Leam's mind, she was shocked at her ignorance of all the sayings that were so familiar to herself and other persons of respectability.

It is artificial in every brick and stone, in the pose of every stall, the lettering of every advertisement. And it flourishes by gaslight; by day it is garish and forlorn. Prominent among the regular houses of entertainment was the Cabaret Noir, which, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., usually drove a roaring trade.

Day by day he sat between them in his comfortable study, where roses tapped at the lozenge-shaped window panes all through the summer, and in winter the glow of the great logs upon the hearth was reflected from the polished binding and gilt lettering of his books in a thousand autumnal hues, as pleasing to his eyes as the tints of the summer flowers.