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"So I make typewutta quick. Not so many lettah " "That's a great idea, Tana. Save time. You'll make a fortune. Press one key and there's 'ing. Hope you work it out." Tana laughed disparagingly. "Wait. I tell " "Where's Mrs. Patch?" "She out. Wait, I tell " Again he screwed up his face for action. "My typewutta " "Where is she?" "Here I make." He pointed to the miscellany of junk on the table.

'His estate was not a large one as such things go some twelve hundred dollahs, I believe. "'That's better'n breakin' a leg, I says. "'You will, perhaps, be interested to learn, he says, 'that Ah have pu'chased the hawss Trampfast with a po'tion of the money. Hyah is a lettah foh you from Mr.

Dinsmore's man with a letter? Run and get it, quick!" "Yes'm!" and both scampered off in the direction of the horseman, who, suddenly urging on his steed, was now rapidly nearing the house. "Hollo! dar now, you ole Jim!" shouted Scip, making a dash at the horse, "who dat lettah fur? You gub um to me."

"That's the lettah you are to mail for me," she said, giving it back to him. "Don't forget it, for it's impawtant." The address was uppermost, in her clear, plain hand, and she held it toward him, so that he saw she intended him to read it. "Hm! Writing to Alex Shelby, are you?" he said, with his usual brotherly frankness, and a sniff that plainly showed his disapproval.

"Well, den, Joe," said his mother, her voice trembling with emotion at the daring step they were about to take, "you set down an' write a lettah to yo' pa, an' tell him what we goin' to do, an' to-morrer to-morrer we 'll sta't." Something akin to joy came into the boy's heart as he sat down to write the letter. They had taunted him, had they? They had scoffed at him.

"I hope you will be a better and more talented man, my boy," he said, "but always remember my most ardent wish is to see you a truly good man, a Christian, serving God with all your powers." At this moment a voice behind them said, "Good-mornin', cap'n. I'se got a lettah hyah for you, sah." "Ah, good-morning, Ben, and thank you for bringing it," said the captain, turning round to receive it.