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He put his face against faithful Letitia's faded dress that dress which Cis herself had made, pricking her pink fingers scandalously in the process, and had washed and ironed season after season. That was it! He loved the old doll the better because she was a part of Cis. "Oh, dear Letitia!" he whispered again, and strained the doll to his heart.

"If I remember correctly and I was brought up on Dickens she was a 'phenomenon, not a prodigy. However, it makes no material difference what you and I call Mary Lathrop, the fact remains that she is an exceptionally well-behaved, good-mannered, polite " "Sweet, healthy girl," interrupted Mrs. Wyeth, finishing the sentence. "I know that as well as you do, Letitia Pease. And you know I know it.

When the carriage stopped before the house, she ran to welcome her friend Eliza, and, with the returned family, entered the house. In the doorway the fat little canon, Uncle Lucien, received them. "Back again, uncle!" cried Mamma Letitia in welcome. "And how do you all? Where is Napoleon? Where is Pauline?" The woman who spoke was Madame Letitia Bonaparte, the mother of Napoleon.

"'My, oh my! sais Miss Letitia, or Letkissyou, as Pistol used to call her. People ought to be careful what names they give their children, so as folks can't fasten nicknames on 'em. Before others the girls called her Letty, and that's well enough; but sometimes they would call her Let, which is the devil. If a man can't give a pretty fortune to his child, he can give it a pretty name at any rate.

Do you hear, a chance to live. "Think it over." Jeffrey Whiting thought, harder and faster than he had ever tried to think in his life. But he could make nothing of it. He thought of the people, old and young, on the hills, suddenly set adrift from their homes. He thought of his mother and Uncle Cassius and Aunt Letitia without their real home to come back to.

Her hair was firmly fixed by bandoline, her garibaldis by an arrangement which failed when applied to those of the widow, and her opinions by the simple process of looking at everything from one point of view. Her forte was dress and general ornamentation; not that Miss Letitia was extravagant far from it.

Contrition had been so plainly visible in those grey-green eyes, and Arethusa had given so many kisses soft and fleeting as thistledown they were, yet very satisfactory to Miss Letitia as kisses that it was quite impossible for Miss Letitia not to believe in the perfect genuineness of Arethusa's apology. She had promised fervently, "Never, so long as I live, to run out in a storm ever again.

Some one of the county's agricultural population would most surely be going there then. Perhaps Timothy, answered Miss Eliza, graciously conceding Miss Letitia a stroke of real mentality in her suggestion. If he was planning to attend, it would be just the thing; the girl could go with him. She was sorry she had not broached the subject at supper. But Arethusa vehemently opposed this idea.

"You were disobedient," said she when Letitia had finished, "but I think your disobediance has brought its own punishment, and I hope now that you will be more contented." "Oh, Aunt Peggy," sobbed Letitia, "everything I've got is so beautiful, and I love to study and crochet and go to church."

"You know she oughtn't to go in that cold hair," said Hannah, sharply. "And why for couldn't you wait till me or Letitia came to put by your letter if you was in 'aste habout it? There," mollified by the look in the beautiful dark eyes, now so unnaturally large and pathetic through illness and suffering, which Lena turned piteously upon her without answering, "there, there, child; never mind now.