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"Tell me straight; you know how vitally I and my household need to understand the truth." Gravely the physician spoke as friend to friend: "Your wife has leprosy! not the physical form, but the kind that anesthetizes, ulcerates, deforms the soul the leprosy of self-pity. It began with her father's death.

"Ah!" said Bertram triumphantly, "but lo' thou, when our Lord Himself did heal one that had leprosy, what quoth He? `Show thyself to the priest, saith He: not, `I am the true Priest, and therefore thou mayest slack to show thee to yon other priest, which is but the emblem of Me." "Because," replied Hugh, "He did fulfil the law, and made it honourable.

To the shoreward there were wooded hills, with marshy ground on their lower slopes, feeding a little river emptying to the north of the town. Few ships lay there without burying a third of their hands; for the fever raged there, as it rages in some of the Brazilian ports at the present time. The place was also supposed to favour the spread of leprosy.

We have already spoken of leprosy as a type of inbred sin, and of the requirement of blood-shedding in the cleansing of the leper. But before that cleansing was complete, the anointing oil, also, was to be applied to the leper, who was healed of his malady.

Four years after my visit to Spain he was incarcerated in the dungeons of the Inquisition, but he obtained his release after three years' confinement by doing public penance. The leprosy which eats out the heart of Spain is not yet cured.

Connected with diseases of the eye, pterygium is common; not only single, but double, triple, and even quadruple are occasionally met with. The leprosy of which we speak has greatly abated. The natives say that formerly many had it, and suffered from its ulcerous sores until all the fingers of a hand or the toes of a foot had fallen off.

But his servants came near and said to him, "If the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? Why not, then, when he says to you, 'Wash and be clean!" So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan as the man of God commanded; and his flesh became again like the flesh of a little child, and he was cured of his leprosy.

I have often endeavoured to discover what the correspondence was that passed under mercantile forms, but I never succeeded. The post office, like the police, catches only fools." Since I am on the subject of political police, that leprosy of modern society, perhaps I may be allowed to overstep the order of time, and advert to its state even in the present day.

The banishment from all friends and relatives, the confiscation of property and seclusion from the world, coupled with poverty and brutality of treatment, all emphasize its physical horror a thousandfold. As to the leper himself, no more graphic description can be given than that printed in The Ninteenth Century, August, 1884: "But leprosy! Were I to describe it no one would follow me.

The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow. 2 KINGS v. 15-27. Like the Samaritan leper healed by Jesus, Naaman came back to give glory to God.