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LEONORA. His heart he is ready to fling at every wench, whilst I sigh in vain for a look! Oh woman! woman! SCENE XII. The Palace of ANDREAS. GIANETTINO and LOMELLINO enter hastily. GIANETTINO. Let them roar for their liberty as a lioness for her young. I am resolved. LOMELLINO. But most gracious prince! GIANETTINO. Away to hell with thy buts, thou three-hours procurator!

Leonora saw with anxiety that her husband, while intending to be calm, pompous, and superior, was, in fact, losing control of himself. 'I mean, said John, 'are you going to distribute them? 'No, nephew. They're well enough where they lie. I shall none touch 'em. Stanway gave the sigh of a martyr who has sufficient spirit to be disdainful.

Their rooms all gave on to the gallery; Leonora's to the east, the girl's next, then Edward's. The sight of those three open doors, side by side, gaping to receive whom the chances of the black night might bring, made Leonora shudder all over her body. She went into Nancy's room. The girl was sitting perfectly still in an armchair, very upright, as she had been taught to sit at the convent.

For Leonora, if she preserved an unchanged front, changed very frequently her point of view. She had been drilled in her tradition, in her upbringing to keep her mouth shut. But there were times, she said, when she was so near yielding to the temptation of speaking that afterwards she shuddered to think of those times.

Arthur Twemlow himself stood on the step of the drawing-room window, and Bessie's white apron was just disappearing within. In the first glance Leonora noticed that Arthur was considerably thinner. She was overcome by a violent emotion that contained both fear and joy.

"May it never come!" "Rash boy!" Leonora exclaimed. "You don't know me. If I were to stay here very long, we'd finish by quarreling and coming to blows. At bottom I hate men: I have always been their most terrible enemy." Behind their backs they heard the rustle of the gown that Cupido was dragging along behind him with absurd antics.

And immediately afterwards came one from Leonora saying, "Yes, please do come. You could be so helpful." It was as if he had sent the cable without consulting her and had afterwards told her. Indeed, that was pretty much what had happened, except that he had told the girl and the girl told the wife. I arrived, however, too late to be of any good if I could have been of any good.

"Yes, Caroline, I did," said Leonora, gravely, "and it gave me pain, for you called me cowardly and destitute of honor, because I intended to stay at home when my country was in need of the arms of all its children, and when every one of any courage was participating in this holy struggle."

Mrs Ashburnham caused her husband to reply, with a letter a little more jocular something to the effect that Colonel Powys ought to give them some idea of the goods that he was marketing. That was the cause of the photograph. I have seen it, the seven girls, all in white dresses, all very much alike in feature all, except Leonora, a little heavy about the chins and a little stupid about the eyes.

And poor Mrs. Sturk still sat in her drawing-room, more and more agitated and frightened. But her missing soldier did not turn up, and Leonora sat and listened hour after hour. No sound of return, not even the solemn clank and fiery snort of the fiend-horse under her window, or the 'ho-lo, ho-la my life, my love! of the phantom rider, cheated her with a momentary hope. Poor Mrs. Sturk!