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They were not without some knowledge of optics. The convex lens found at Nimroud shows that they were not unacquainted with magnifying instruments. In arithmetic they had detected the value of position in the digits, though they missed the grand Indian invention of the cipher. What a spectacle for the conquering Greeks, who, up to this time, had neither experimented nor observed!

But Biology could not enable her to discover that magnetic currents would so alter the crystals of the diamond as to remedy its previous defects, and admit of its being polished into a perfect lens. Some such theory may have passed through my head, it is true, but if so, I had forgotten it.

At the hinder end of the animal we see a white spot which the lens separates into some dozen short, fleshy appendages, sometimes gathered into a cluster, sometimes spread into a rosette. There is your organ of adhesion and locomotion.

He sat astride a big, black horse, much larger than the ordinary cow pony, and as he approached the camp the sun glinted in curious fashion on his face. "Four eyes!" exclaimed Snake, meaning, thereby, that the stranger wore glasses. The rising sun had reflected on their lens.

The soldier made a profound bow, and, as if the name of the conqueror of Rocroi and Lens had given him wings, he stepped lightly up the steps leading to the ante-chamber.

Hold a piece of cardboard, about eight inches square and having a smooth, round hole an eighth of an inch in diameter in the center, in front of a lighted candle in a darkened room. Observe that a dim image is formed. Account for the fact that it is inverted. Hold a lens between the cardboard and the screen so that the light passes through it also.

The vitreous humor, situated back of the other two, forms the principal part of the globe of the eye. It differs from the aqueous in one important particular. When that is discharged in extracting the crystalline lens for cataract or otherwise, it will be restored again in a few hours, and the eye will continue to perform its function.

To adjust the eye to different distances requires some change in the focusing parts that corresponds to the differences in the divergence of the light. This change, called accommodation, occurs in the crystalline lens. In the process of accommodation, changes occur in the shape of the crystalline lens, as follows: 1.

But it's either them or gulls a-flappin'." Cap'n Sproul's brown hands clasped the rope-wound telescope, and he trained its lens with seaman's steadiness. "It's them," he said, with a chuckle of immense satisfaction. They're hoppin' up and down on the high ridge, and slattin' their arms in the air. It ain't no joy-dance, that ain't. I've seen Patagonian Injuns a war-dancin'. It's like that.

The British attack between La Bassée and Lens and the French attack on the Souchez side were admirably coordinated, and were directed mainly to assist the French to gain the heights west of Vimy, which were the unattained object of their efforts during May and June. By September 27, 1915, the French had all Souchez in their hands, and were advancing upon Givenchy.