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"Won't anybody bring me some water Maggie, Carrie Leno nobody?" murmured poor Willie, as he Wet his pillow with tears. At last he could bear it no longer. He knew where the water-bucket stood, and stepping from his bed, he groped his way down the long stairs to the basement. The spring moon was low in the western horizon, and shining through the curtained window, dimly lighted up the room.

Dan Leno, whom he had once met on a steamboat, but that there were other topics upon which he would prefer to seek that gentleman's guidance. Nettleship, on the other hand, declared that he had no sympathy with the argument that artists should never intrude upon public affairs. The actor was a fellow citizen with the rest of us.

Dan Leno, in particular, rivets the attention of his audience by his entrancing by-play, even when he doesn't speak. And yet it is precisely that does it." At that moment Miss Terry's little grandchild, who was playing about the room, most dismally. "Here is a little maid who was a charmer from her cradle," said the delightful actress, picking up the child and it out of the third-floor window.

In Plautus we find ourselves, on the whole, among incipient or thorough rogues, in Terence again, as a rule, among none but honest men; if occasionally a -leno- is plundered or a young man taken to the brothel, it is done with a moral intent, possibly out of brotherly love or to deter the boy from frequenting improper haunts.

Well-known follower of course, purely as an amateur of the late Dan Leno, king of comedians; good penetrating voice; writes his own in-between bits you know what I mean: the funny observations on mothers-in-law, motors, and marriage, marked "Spoken" in the song-books.

Almost without exception the plot turns on helping a young man, at the expense either of his father or of some -leno-, to obtain possession of a sweetheart of undoubted charms and of very doubtful morals.

Though the clergy of Florence, roused to retaliative fury, might fling back in the teeth of Sixtus such words as leno matris suæ, adulterorum minister, diaboli vicarius, yet the people could not long endure 'the niggardly and imperfect rites, the baptism sparingly administered, the extreme unction or the last sacrament coldly vouchsafed to the chosen few, the churchyard closed against the dead, which, to quote the energetic language of Dean Milman, were the proper fruits of the Papal ban, however unjustly issued and however manfully resisted.