United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Good-morning, little sixpence; what are you after now?" she added aloud, as the child appeared in the open doorway. "Mother's out o' vinegar, and dinner's just ready, and the gentleman'll want some for his salad, and there aint no time to send to the grocery. And mother says, will you lend her a teacupful, Aunt Wealthy?

It seems a pity that such a place should not be lived in and well, I thought how kind it would be of you to lend it to the Osborns while they are in England." "It would indeed be kind," remarked his lordship, without fervour. Her momentary excitement led Emily to take the liberty of putting out her hand to touch his.

Then his crushed heart had but one desire to fly from the home that had lost its sunshine, and the very country which had been calamitous to him. He had one stanch friend, who had lately returned rich from New Zealand, and had offered to send him out as his agent, and to lend him money in the colony. Hope had declined, and his friend had taken the huff, and had not written to him since.

We are to lend our lances to place on the throne of Syria one who would not be permitted to reside in your own country, much less to rule in it? 'Of whom, of what, do you speak? 'I speak of the Jewess whom you would marry, said Astarte, in a hushed yet distinct voice, and with a fell glance, 'against all laws, divine and human. 'Of your prisoner?

But, alas, no one could remember where they were. Every one had forgotten that the tongs had last been used to fish up the doll's teapot from the bottom of the water-butt, where the Lamb had dropped it. So the nursery tongs were resting between the water-butt and the dustbin, and cook refused to lend the kitchen ones. 'Never mind, said Robert, 'we'll get it out with the poker and the shovel.

"But, by the way, come to think of it, you might help us wonderfully if you have a rowboat and would lend it to us for an hour or two." The tone of relief with which he now spoke was unmistakable. "I'll go and row it right over to you." "We won't want it until about 11 o'clock," said Miss Ladd. "If you need it between now and then you'd better wait."

They have lent China two hundred millions to be used in developing this army and extending it. They offered China, according to the conversation at dinner, to lend her two million a month for twenty years for military purposes.

Granger has been offering to lend me money ever since he began to suspect my embarrassments, but I could not put myself under an obligation to him while I was uncertain of your intentions: it will be easy to accept his help now; and he has made most liberal proposals with regard to your marriage settlements. Bear witness, Clary, that I never mentioned that till now.

Through her downcast lashes she could see, thrown carelessly on the table, three or four strips, tinted blue or green or yellow, which she recognized as checks. "I only want to say," she began, with a kind of panting in her breath "I only want to say, papa, that if ... Mr. Davenant will ... lend you the money ... I shall be ... I shall be ... very glad." Guion said nothing.

Raoul has no fortune other than I possess, poor child! and I must take care of it for him, since I only lend him my name." "And Raoul what shall you do with him?" "I leave him with you, my friend. War has broken out in Flanders. You shall take him with you there. I am afraid that remaining at Blois would be dangerous to his youthful mind.