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A considerable portion of the French lend their money to different tradespeople, getting the best security they can, sometimes merely personal; 6 per cent is the regular interest that is given, and it is a very rare case that the capital is lost, as the lender takes great precautions in ascertaining the exact state of the borrower's affairs.

Sikes tried a little blasphemy: and finding that mode of treatment wholly ineffectual, called for assistance. 'What's the matter here, my dear? said Fagin, looking in. 'Lend a hand to the girl, can't you? replied Sikes impatiently. 'Don't stand chattering and grinning at me! With an exclamation of surprise, Fagin hastened to the girl's assistance, while Mr.

"Oh, dear," she cried, as, at the fourth dance, five or six eager young men were bowing before her; "what shall I do? I'd have to be a centipede to dance with you all! And I can't divide one dance into six parts. And I can't CHOOSE,-that would be TOO embarrassing! Let's draw lots. Lend me a coin, somebody." "Here you are," said Van Reypen, handing her a bright quarter.

"Lend them to me: I want to try if one of them will fit a lock of mine." He followed me down; and I was just handing them to him, when there was a double knock and a ring, and I saw him turn as red as a boy of sixteen found out at some trick. I hurried up to open the door, leaving him there, and found that it was Miss Adela Mimpriss.

If people could be really convinced that they could have money if they wait a day or two, and that utter ruin is not coming, most likely they would cease to run in such a mad way for money. Either shut the Bank at once, and say it will not lend more than it commonly lends, or lend freely, boldly, and so that the public may feel you mean to go on lending.

This feeling was strengthened by several intimations they received from Spain which placed beyond doubt the great displeasure of the king at the petition of the nobles, and his little satisfaction with their own behavior on that occasion, while they were also led to expect that he was about to enter upon measures, to which, as favorable to the liberties of their country, and for the most part friends or blood relations of the confederates; they could never lend their countenance or support.

"With all that is on it," replied the elder overseer. The police whispered among themselves. "If ye tell the truth," said the chief at last, "we shall not hinder you. On the contrary, we will lend him to you for a while, as he will fall into our hands later." "Do ye swear?" "We swear." "Then we may go together." So they joined forces, but the Greek had vanished.

"I have mentioned them in order to point out how often such people find themselves under the necessity of seeking immediate temporary assistance and having recourse to borrowing. Hence there settles among them a peculiar race of money-lenders who lend small sums on security at an enormous percentage.

I wish it were possible for you to do as much for mine." She looked at him fixedly a moment, said, "I'm sorry you think this necessary," and turned away to the door. But once again his voice arrested her. "Miss Heth!... You feel an interest in the Settlement. You've felt a wish to help in the work to lend a hand in some way to those less fortunate than yourself.

"So far I haven't decided to leave Las Palmas." "Then I imagine you had better decide now. If money is a difficulty, I might lend you enough for a second-class passage, but that is all." Shillito smiled. "If you want to get rid of me, you'll have to go higher. I reckon it's worth while!" "I think not," said Cartwright, dryly.