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Then... lemme see... yep, I rented two barns in Glen Ellen, an' I ordered fifty tons of hay an' a carload of bran an' barley from the store in Glenwood you see, I gotta feed all them fourteen horses, an' shoe 'm, an' everything. "Oh, sure Pete, I've went some. I hired seven men to go drivin' for me at two dollars a day, an' ouch! Jehosaphat! What you doin'!"

Shake hands on it, ole man by Harry! Guv'ner ought to be here glad to see you. Great fren's with the men, guv'ner labor an' capital, commun'ty 'f int'rests, an' all that hic! Funny things happen in this world, don't they, ole man? Hamilton, lemme interduce you fren' the family ole fren' the guv'ner's works in the yards. Come to spend the night wiz me, Hamilton have a hot time.

"When us was slaves Marster tell us what to do. He say, 'Henri, do dis, do dat. An' us done it. Den us didn' have to think whar de nex' meal comin' from, or de nex' pair o' shoes or pants. De grub an' clo'es give us was better'n I ever gits now. "Lemme think an' counts. My Marster didn' have a lot o' slaves. Dere was one, two, three, fo', yes'm, jus' fo' o' us slaves. I was de stockholder.

Sundown did an unpremeditated evolution that would have won him much applause and gold had he been connected with a circus. He landed in a clump of brush and watched his hat sail gently down. The pinto whirled and took the homeward road, snorting and bounding from side to side as the dust swirled behind him. Sundown scratched his head. "Lemme see. 'We was ridin', slow and easy . . . Huh!

"Now, honey," he returned with a deprecatory shake of his head, "I got my own wu'k 'tend to; an' I ain't nevah ax nobody what 'twas, an' I ain't goin' ax 'em. An' lemme jass beg you f oiler de ole man's advice: you do de same, 'case nobody ain't goin' tell you. All I know is dat it come later and were somep'n 'bout dat riprarin Crailey Gray.

Jack Harpe followed this flight of fancy with an uncertain smile. "Alla same," he said, "I wish you'd lemme give you that month's wages. I'd feel better about it. Like I was paying my bets sort of." "'Tsall right," nodded Racey Dawson. "We still don't want any money. We're satisfied if you are. Yep, we're a heap satisfied now. But I ain't contented much."

That is some consolation, though slight. But how do you know all this, Nance?" "Dunna ax me," she replied. "Whatever ey ha' been to Christopher Demdike, ey bear him neaw love now; fo', as ey ha towd yo, he is a black-hearted murtherin' villain. Boh lemme get up behind yo, an ey'n bring yo through scatheless. An to-morrow yo may arrest the whole band at Malkin Tower."

"I forgot all about the resiliency of brickbats and the table manners of riots, for there, on top of a bunch of spiles, ca'm, masterful and bloated with perjuries, was Oily Heegan dictatin' the disposition of his forces, the light of victory in his shifty, little eyes. "'Ten dollars and costs, I shrieks, seein' red. 'Lemme crawl up them spiles to you. "Then inspiration seized me.

This fifty is the last cent you got in the world!" "Not at all," said Terry calmly. "You lie!" Denver struck his knuckles across his forehead. "And I was going to trim you. Black Jack, I didn't know you was as white as this. Fifty? Pal, take it back!" He forced the money into Terry's pocket. "And take some more. Here; lemme stake you. I been pulling a sob story, but I'm in the clover, Black Jack.

"And so you have been recently married," I asked; "and how does your wife feel about the matter? "Well, yer see, sir," he answered, laughing, "she can't say nothin', 'caze she's cross-eyed 'erse'f. "An' lemme tell you some'h'n', boss." He lowered his tone again, implying a fresh burst of confidence, while his whole visage seemed twinkling with merriment. "Lemme tell yer some'h'n', boss.