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'Is sufferings swelled him up centimetres, and all he could do on the Hard was to kiss Lootenant Morshed and me, and your Mr. Leggatt. He deserved that much. A cordial beggar. Pyecroft looked at the washed cups on the table, and the low sunshine on my car's back in the yard. 'Too early to drink to him, he said. 'But I feel it just the same.

We did not tie up till noon, but the faithful Leggatt had intrigued his way down to the dock-edge, and beside him sat Malachi, wearing his collar of gold, or Leggatt makes it look so, as eloquent as Demosthenes. Shend flinched a little when he saw him. We packed Mrs.

There was a few remarks about Dicky Bridoon and mechanical horses, and then some one was smacked hard by the sound in the middle of a remark. 'That was the man who kept calling for the Forty-fifth Dragoons, said Leggatt. 'He got as far as Drag ... 'Was it? said Pyecroft dreamily. 'Well, he couldn't say they didn't come.

Leggatt was effectin' repairs, another searchlight broke out to the southward, and the two of 'em swept our ridge on both sides. Right at the west end of it they showed us the ground rising into a hill, so to speak, crowned with what looked like a little fort. Morshed saw it before the beams shut off. "That's the key of the position!" he says. "Occupy it at all hazards."

Most of the doors and shutters were literally in splinters; valuable goods, in some of the shops from which the owners had fled in terror the night before, were lying in the smashed windows, entirely unprotected, and of the still smoking and steaming ruins of the premises of Messrs. Bourne and Mr. Leggatt nothing was left standing but the walls.

The Junior Service was going to bye-bye all round us, as happy as the ship's monkey when he's been playin' with the paints, and Lootenant Morshed and Jules kept bowin' to port and starboard of the superstructure, acknowledgin' the unstinted applause which the multitude would 'ave given 'em if they'd known the facts. On the other 'and, as your Mr. Leggatt observed, they might 'ave killed us.

Omitting the fact it was dark and cloudy, our brigadier-uncle lay somewhere in the South Downs with his brigade, which was manoeuvrin' at Whitsum manoeuvres on a large scale Red Army versus Blue, et cetera; an' all we 'ad to go by was those flapping bicycle-maps and your Mr. Leggatt's groans. 'I was thinking what the Downs mean after dark, said Leggatt angrily.

Leggatt, my chauffeur, came in for orders. 'How d'you think Harvey's coming on? I said, as I rubbed the brute's gulping neck. The vet had warned me of the possibilities of spinal trouble following distemper. 'He ain't my fancy, was the reply. 'But I don't question his comings and goings so long as I 'aven't to sit alone in a room with him. 'Why? He's as meek as Moses, I said.

Leggatt sometimes drives very carelessly " no more prudent coachman existed "and the state of the roads about here is perfectly scandalous" they were as good roads as any in England. "What noise was that?" "I heard nothing." "I've often noticed that you are decidedly dull of hearing. Has it always been so? You ought to consult a what are the men called who see to one's ears?"

We lunched with the other three at Romsey. Then I sat in front for a little while to talk to my Malachi. When I looked back, Shend was solidly asleep, and stayed so for the next two hours, while Leggatt chased Attley's fat Daimler along the green-speckled hedges. He woke up when we said good-bye at Mittleham, with promises to meet again very soon. 'And I hope, said Mrs.