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Should a rich man throw money into thy lap, take heed, and do not look upon it as a benefit; for I have often heard from the great and good that the patience of the poor is more meritorious than the gift of the rich. Were King Bahram Ghor to distribute a whole roasted elk, it would not be equal to the gift of a locust's leg from an ant."

So saying, he lifted up the bridle in his hand, whirling it three times around his head, and wheeling his horse, galloped off, while from an ambush amongst the trees and underbrush a fire of twenty or thirty muskets was poured upon the little group at the river bank. Captain Coytmore was shot through the left breast and died that day. Bell and Foster were each wounded in the leg.

For hours he had sat like this, unmoving, his gnarled red hands clamping each leg as though to hold him steady while he gazed; and he saw himself as a little lad, barefooted, doing chores, running after the shaggy, troublesome pony which would let him catch it when no one else could, and, with only a halter on, galloping wildly back to the farmyard, to be hitched up in the carriole which had once belonged to the old Seigneur.

Lastly, in the males of many insects, the legs are furnished with peculiar spines, knobs or spurs; or the whole leg is bowed or thickened, but this is by no means invariably a sexual character; or one pair, or all three pairs are elongated, sometimes to an extravagant length. The sexes of many species in all the orders present differences, of which the meaning is not understood.

I declare almost I think, Laura, I would rather he should have some great defect." "Moral or physical? Gambling? one leg? one eye? lying? six fingers? How do you mean, Del?" "Oh, patience! no, indeed! six fingers! I only meant" And here, of course, I stopped. "Which virtue could you spare in Mr.

After some practice this movement can be executed by standing on one foot and putting the other leg first forward and then back for several times. This exercise gives control over the muscles of the leg and balancing powers, and increases the ability to adjust the muscles so as to maintain the equilibrium.

A log fell and blazed brightly, and I could see that her face was greatly moved. "I am so sorry if you have been anxious. Burton says you have. I would have been back earlier but I was caught in the crowd." I reached out and turned on the lamp near me, and when she saw my eye and leg, she fell upon her knees at my side. "Oh! Nicholas," she cried brokenly, and I put out my hand and took her hand.

Thus, as the oil is gradually used the pressure of the water in the other leg of the hydrostatic balance raises the level of the remaining portion. When a fresh supply of oil is poured into the box, it forces out some of the water and descends very nearly to the level of the hole, B. The engine is made with either one or two cylinders, and is, of course, single-acting.

That old woman would talk the hind leg off a donkey about fairies or anything else if you were to give her a pint of porter, and I'll do that. I'll give it to her regular, so I will. I'd do more than that for you, doctor, for you're a man I like, let alone that you're going out to foreign parts to put the fear of God into them Germans, which is no more than they deserve." Dr.

"'I don't blame you so much, says Jack to him; 'it was the looking-glass that desaved me. That cur's nothing but a black leg! "'What looking-glass? you knave you! says dark-face, giving him a fresh haul. "'Why, the one I saw under the dog's oxther, replied Jack.