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Moreover, the right's victories in Western Europe in Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy are not without a few important exceptions notably Britain and, perhaps, come September, Germany. Nor is the left's clean sweep of the central European electoral slate either complete or irreversible.

"'No, Ma, talkin' nor prayin' won't do no good ... the only thing left's a good whippin' to straighten her out." "O Aunt Rachel," I cried, all my desire of Phoebe breaking but into tenderness. I looked at the lovely face, crossed with sunlight, full of such quick intelligence, such mischievousness....

I landed out with my right at the nearest chap right on his heart. Not his face. His heart. I lowered him. He asked me afterwards, `Was that your right? `Yes, I said, `and my left's worse! I couldn't use my left because they were holding it. You see? You see?" "Yes," said the other impatiently, and suddenly cantankerous. "I see that all right!

"Taken, no! Stolen, yes!" answered the general quickly. M. Pedre-Lacaze came up arm-in-arm with Napoleon Duchatel. Both were in high spirits. They lighted their cigars from Franc d'Houdetot's cigar and said: "Do you know? Genoude is going to bring in an impeachment on his own account. They would not allow him to sign the Left's impeachment.

Alwin stirred in his seat and fingered at the silver lace on his cap. He was dressed splendidly now. Left's wardrobe had contained nothing black that was also plain, so the bowerman's long hose were of silk, his tunic was seamed with silver, his belt studded with steel bosses, his cloak lined with fine gray fur. "Lady," he stammered, "as I have said, it may be that I am not a fair judge.

Times he would have liked to put his arms round Maw now more than ever; but he didn't dare. "Don't take on, Maw! Don't!" "Who's takin' on?" She lifted a fierce, sallow, tear-wet face. "Hain't no use makin' a fuss. All's left's to work to work, an' die after a while." "I hate 'em! Uncle Clem an' her, I mean." "They mean kindness their way." But her tears started afresh. "I hate 'em!"