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Why, it am a bit o' salt pork, an' a bit o' dat bear you shooted troo de nose yes'rday, an' a junk o' walrus, an' two puffins, an' some injin corn, a leetil pepper, an' a leetil salt." "Good, that sounds well," said Leo. "I'll go fetch you some more driftwood, for it'll take a deal of boiling, that will, to make it eatable."

"That was from one o' the redskins, whose thigh I barked for sendin' an arrow raither close to my head," said the young man. "But," continued his bride, with increasing anxiety, "the shote an' the cry was long before you comes home. Pr'aps it bees Leetil Tim."

"I will go with you," said Dan, to whom the announcement was made. "An' so will I," said Fred Jenkins, who chanced to be conversing with Dan at the time "that is, if they can spare me just now." "The canoe of Okematan," said the chief, "holds no more than three. He wishes to take with him Arch-ee and Leetil Bill."

"W'y, massa, you gwine to make a Roman candle ob dat?" He turned for an answer, but Mark had hastily quitted the house. Encountering the Secretary in the court-yard, he took his arm and said, "I want your help." "Well, you shall have it. But you are so mys mys what is it sterious about your leetil plans, that I fear my help is not useful."

But them reptiles bein' in these parts makes me raither anxious about daddy. Did he say where he meant to hunt when he went off this morning?" "Yes; Leetil Tim says hims go for hunt near Lipstock Hill." "Just so; Lopstick Hill," returned Tim, correcting her with offhand gravity. "But me hears a shote an' a cry," said the girl, with a suddenly anxious look.

"Bot," he continued, "it vould be worth vile to try. Possiblement de bu'stin' of de gun in his troat might do ver vell. It vould give him con con vat you call him? De ting vat leetil chile have?" "Contrariness," said Victor. "Contradictiousness," suggested Ian; "they're both good long words, after your own heart." "Non, non! Con convulsions, dat is it. Anyhow it vould injure his digestiveness."

"Monsieur?" said his companion. "I say that I should like to dwell there," answered Redding. "It is a splendid country, and will be better known in days to come." "Vraiment, truly, a magnifircent kontry," returned Le Rue, "gorgeows, magnifique! I vould giv moche, ver moche, to have leetil cottage, an vife, an cow, an pigs dere."

"But why leave me here at all?" pleaded Hester, when Dinah had exhausted her eulogy of the hiding-place. "Why not take me to your own home?" "Cause it's not so safe as dis," answered Dinah. "P'r'aps in time you may come dere not now. Moreober, Missis Lilly is a fuss-rate creetur, most as good as myself, if her temper was a leetil more 'eavenly.

When leetil bird sit on a stone an shake hims tail, I've heerd you an Orley say it wag but misser Gubbins he got no tail to wag so how can he wag it?" "I didn't say he wagged it, Betsy," returned Marie, repressing a laugh, "but you'll never get to understand what a wag means, so I won't try to explain. Look! Zariffa is venturesome. You'd better call her back." Zariffa was indeed venturesome.

"Your trust will be vain, for you are now in my power, and I only spare you long enough to tell you that a Blackfoot brave has just met us, who brings us the good news of what our great Blackfoot chief did when he crept into the camp of Bounding Bull and carried away his little daughter from under his very nose, and also the daughter of Leetil Tim. Wah!