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"And the Fatherland? Ever want to go back?" "Wail, I tell you dose ting, Meest'r Ennixter. Alle-ways, I tink a lot oaf Shairmany, und der Kaiser, und nef'r I forgedt Gravelotte. Budt, say, I tell you dose ting. Vhair der wife is, und der kinder der leedle girl Hilda DERE IS DER VATERLAND. Eh?

She is priddy, she is bale, a leedle touch of colour under the eyes; she is tressed in vite, some filmy kind of stuff, with a plue bow at the throat and a bit of scarlet ribbon, or red flower, or zomethings, in her hair.

"Please don't mind me; I think you've said something a little 'komisch' but perhaps I've got a sunstroke and it acts like laughing gas. Don't be cross, Guillermo." I take his arm and notice covertly that he is mollified. "Blanca," he says, with a half smile, "dthat adobe house vidth vines look cool suppose I buy dthat and ve stay here leedle vhile." I follow his eyes.

Der Grasshopper is a goot leedle monoplane, but I am afraid dat some of der principles I have worked oud in her iss all wrong. Some day I break mein neck by der outside I am afraid much." "Why you've done some good flying in the Grasshopper," consoled Harry. "Ches, she is a goot leedle ship, bud she vont vin dees race, I dink. By der vay, boys, I have been meaning to warn you aboud dot Frenchman."

As if unconscious of Mildred's ignorance of their language, he said earnestly to her, "I did not know I vould gif my life for der schild der boor leedle poy I no dink dat he vas so sick," and his eager words and manner convinced Mildred that his wife misrepresented him, and that his interest in the mystery of the comet's fate would be slight compared with that which centred in his son.

He was short and stout, with bushy eyebrows and a grey moustache, and looked so fierce that children cried when they saw him, until he patted them on the head and addressed them as "mein leedle frent" in a voice so soft and tender that they had to leave off howling just to wonder where it came from.

"I won't do it no more," begged Pewee "'pon my word and honor I won't." "Oh, you don't gits off dat away no more, a'ready. You know what I'll giff you when I git you home, you leedle ruffen. I shows you how to vite, a'ready." And the king disappeared down the street, begging like a spaniel, and vowing that he "wouldn't do it no more."

Steele remarks, as we sit down, noticing one of tortoise shell quaintly carved. "You like it?" is all the Baron says, and coolly puts it in his pocket. Mrs. Steele is aghast. "I pay dthem," he says unconcernedly. "Haf leedle salade?" I have finished first and go out to the platform.

"Poor leedle waif!" murmured the soft-hearted old gentleman. "Id was de good Providence dat guided her or him, whichever id be." "Providence be hanged!" snarled Peter. "What was my Providence doing landing me with a gutter-brat to look after?" "So like you Radicals," sneered the doctor, "to despise a fellow human creature just because id may not have been born in burble and fine linen."

There was nothing in her nature which led her to share in his almost fierce delight in the far-away disturbances, and he suddenly stopped and said kindly, "Vy I vrighten you mit sooch pig gommotions? You shust von leedle schild off a voman; und I likes you pegause you haf prain so you see und know vat I say. You see him too mooch, und so you dremble. Dot's goot. If you vas silly you vould giggle.