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Peter meet you at dthe gate and say, 'You haf lif gude life, come into Heaven' you vill fery like look over your shoulder and say, 'Oh, Peter! vhere go all dthose nice leedle devils?" The Peruvian's last shot certainly diverts me from all finny creatures, and we sit down on a pile of lumber, and the Baron shows me his rings and seals tells me where each came from and the story attached.

"Let us go to dthe Plaza; Madame and Señorita can sit down for a leedle." It is only a step, and we are soon resting on one of the semi-circular stone seats, listening to some primitive music and watching the enjoyment of the people. Mrs. Steele draws my head down on her shoulder and I shut my eyes. The Baron puts a coat over me and hums a low accompaniment to the fantastic air.

"Besides, suppose she turns out rubbish! What do you know about her?" "I take my chance," agreed the generous doctor. "It wouldn't be fair," retorted honest Peter. "Tink it over," said the doctor. "A place is never home widout de leedle feet. We Englishmen love de home. You are different. You haf no sentiment." "I cannot help feeling," explained Peter, "a sense of duty in this matter.

William Smith, his round, red face illuminated with poetic ecstasy. "Love has gone to her has dransformed her once again into the leedle maid."

"Ay tank you yust wait one leedle w'ile," said the Swedish boat- builder, who had struck his Klondike right there and was wise enough to know it "one leedle w'ile und I make you a tam fine skiff boat, sure Pete."

"I like your customs better in zome dthings, but it makes you vomans too clevair; you know men better dthan ve know you." "You have the same opportunities. It's not our fault if you don't profit by them." "You tell me yourself," he goes on, unheeding, "you haf many gude friends among your fadther's and brodthers' acquaintances; dthat make you care so leedle for men." "Not a bit of it!" I laugh.

I cen't vind any subber. We got noddings to eat, noddings, noddings." "When do we have those bread'n milk again, Mammy?" "To-morrow soon py-and-py, Hilda. I doand know what pecome oaf us now, what pecome oaf my leedle babby." She went on, holding Hilda against her shoulder with one arm as best she might, one hand steadying herself against the fence railings along the sidewalk.

"On the contrary, it has so accustomed me to their friendship I would find life utterly unendurable without it." "I vill make you fery angry pairhaps, but I have deescovair you like me leedle more dthan a friend." "I suppose it is often flattering to a man's vanity to have a fancy like that," I say coolly, but I am conscious of a twinge; what if I do like him more than I want to think?

"He haf no belly, only a leedle on his backbone!" he cried. "Begob, thin, he has the backbone," said Terence. "I have a piece," said I, and drew forth that which Tom had given me. They brought a quarter of a saddle to Colonel Clark, but he smiled at them kindly and told them to divide it amongst the weak. He looked at me as I sat with my feet crossed on the stump.

To linger near our table once or twice during dinner with an air of respectful vacuity, as of one who knew himself too well to be guilty of the presumption of attempting to understand our brilliancy, to wear a certain parental pride and unconsciousness in our fame, and yet to never go further in seeming to comprehend it than to obligingly translate the name of the Club as "a leedle more and nod quide so much" was to him sufficient happiness.