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"To have my heart daily flogged with nettles!" exclaimed the leech, going towards Horapollo with wild gesticulations. "And do you believe that I have any desire to meet that young fellow's sweetheart day after day, often twice a day, that the barb may be twisted round and round in my bleeding wound?" "I expect a quite different result from your frequent meeting," said the other.

Healey gives the history of four cases in which medicinal leeches were removed from the mouth and posterior nares of persons who had, for some days previously, been drinking turbid water. Sinclair mentions the removal of a leech from the posterior nares.

"What makes you so sure of that?" "Even in his delirium he did hot once scratch or bite, but only defended himself like a man. Thank you, now, for your assistance. If you had not flung the cord round his hands, the game might have ended very differently." "Surely not!" exclaimed Paula decidedly. "How strong you are, Philip. I feel quite alarmed!" "You?" said the leech laughing.

It was a hard sight for this man who loved his son so deeply. The youth lay in his strange bed, straight and motionless, with fever on his cheeks, and altered eyes. Old Dr. Clifford of Lobourne was the medical attendant, who, with head-shaking, and gathering of lips, and reminiscences of ancient arguments, guaranteed to do all that leech could do in the matter.

Kenkenes thanked him gratefully and went at once. The moon was in its third quarter, but it was near midnight and the valley of the Nile between the distant highlands to the east and west was in soft light. On the eastern side of the river there was only a feeble glimmer from a window where some chanting leech stood by a bedside, or where a feast was still on.

The stones, however, were, with a sentiment most will appreciate, removed, in order to connect the past with the present, for the Charter-House must ever have many tender ties binding it to the site of the old monastery with its rich historic memories; and however famous may be the men who go forth from the new ground which Sutton's famous foundation occupies, it must derive a great part of its fame for a long time to come from the place which sent out into the world Addison, Steele, Thirlwall, Grote, Leech and Thackeray, not to mention a host of names of those who in arms and arts have done credit to the place of their education.

The Sister, who was entirely absorbed in her calling and never left the scene of her wearisome toil, had little to tell; but the leech and the priest, in reply to her questions concerning what had happened during the period of her unconsciousness, informed her that the Emperor had ordered that she should receive the most careful nursing, and had bestowed a donation upon the convent for the purpose.

Chrysilla would accompany her, but she could leave her father alone in Pergamus a few months without anxiety, for he had a second son there in his nephew Myrtilus, and had found a kind friend in Philetaerus, the ruler of the country. From this time Hermon daily urged Erasistratus to grant him entire liberty, but the leech steadfastly refused, though he knew whither his young friend longed to go.

Indeed, I don't think I ought to offer more than three hundred dollars." "We would thank you, Squire Leech, if we could see any favor in offering three or four hundred dollars less than the house is worth." "We have had enough of this nonsense," said the squire, angrily. "It is not too late to withdraw my offer."

Does not this precisely sum the situation up? Du Maurier could not live to foresee that, for all the expert skill of modern illustration, the "youths who can draw beautifully" lack "a point of view." It was the possession of this that distinguished Thackeray, George Eliot, Trollope, Leech, and du Maurier. R.H. Sherard for an "Interview" which appeared in McClure's Magazine 1895.