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"I don't think he is in the least like Uncle Leonard, and I don't think he cares at all for money." "O, Miss Pauline, don't you believe him if he says he doesn't. I'm his younger brother, whom he has lectured and been hard on for these twenty-seven years, and I know more about it than anybody else." "Why, is Mr. Richard Vandermarck twenty-seven years old?" I said with much surprise.

She could read and write after a fashion, and was intelligent, but ignorant, deceitful, superstitious, and hysterical. Mrs. Caldwell continually lectured Beth about going into the kitchen so much; but she only lectured on principle really.

And now he looks down and lectures me from such an immense height of superiority, never dreaming that I'm laughing in my heart, because it's only little Peter, after all." "And he doesn't lecture Sarah?" "Oh no; he doesn't lecture Sarah. She is too young to be lectured with impunity, and too wise.

Abby lectured her soundly on her want of proper pride: she was much too big a girl to be "seen around" on a day when her brother was "running," if it were only for school trustee. The other ladies of the family, having acquired proper pride kept in the back of the house so as not to be tempted to look out of the front windows.

Now that the doctor has taken to feeding me up I can feel that I am gaining strength every day." "You must not hurry, Cuthbert," she said, gravely. "You must keep quiet and patient." "You are not in your nursing-dress now, Miss Brander, and I decline altogether to be lectured by you.

"It's as legally binding as if the Archbishop of Canterbury tied the knot." "Very well," said Kettle. "Now let me tell you, sir, for the last time, that I don't like what you're going to do. To my mind, it's not a nice thing marrying a woman that you evidently despise, just for her money." Wenlock flushed. "Look here," he said, "I refuse to be lectured, especially by you.

From the 4th to the 8th of September of that year he was at Geneva attending the Second International Congress of Philosophy, when he lectured on Le Paralogisme psycho-physiologique, or, to quote its new title, Le Cerveau et la Pensee: une illusion philosophique. An illness prevented his visiting Germany to attend the Third Congress held at Heidelberg.

I may add that I have always lectured more or less in this way on Cicero's Letters.... At the same time I avow my entire dissatisfaction with things as I have them. In June I have to print and publish the books in which I will lecture from October to June next, while I have not the slightest idea who will be in the classes.

He lectured, and wrote, and talked about it in his usual enthusiastic way, and money began to come to him from good people all over the world. At length enough was raised and the home was built.

The employés may be in the wrong, but any points on which they may yield are merely concessions wrung from them by force of superior strength, for the employing body unfailingly assumes rights and privileges beyond those of the ordinary employer. In particular, discontented employés are invariably charged with disloyalty, and lectured upon their duty to the public.