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"Dis heyah registrashum fo' de draf' am a whole lot like 'lection votin', ain't it?" he asked uncertainly. "Yes," answered the kindly registrar. Rastus scratched his head in troubled doubt. He was thinking deeply. Presently his brow cleared and a smile spread over his face. He had come to a decision. "Den I votes for Julius Jackson ter be drafted," he said. "I nebah did hab no use fo' dat niggah."

Somehow they seem to rile her all up; and she was a-tellin' me yesterday, when she was a-hangin' out clothes, that she never should get reconciled to Decrees and 'Lection, 'cause she can't see, if things is certain, how folks is to help 'emselves.

With the generosity which was one of his characteristics, perhaps the most distinguishing one, he scouted the idea of retaining the whole of his small fortune for his own benefit, pressing a share of it upon Bill, presenting our children and his fellow-servants with tokens of his regard, mostly of a tawdry, seaside-bazaar nature, but beautiful in their eyes and his own; conveying, with an eye to the future, another portion to the care of brother Edward, to be used for "'lection expenses" when the time should come for him to run for that dignity to which he aspired; and now it appeared that he had other ends, of a philanthropic nature, in view.

They're nothing but white niggers, after all, these Irish. Here, Ann, she bawled out, 'come here! "'Coming, said Ann, from within the glass door. "'Come this minute, said the old woman, and Ann's pretty Irish face showed itself immediately. "'Where's that 'lection cake I told you to bring here? "'You didn't tell me to bring no cake here, Mrs. Brown, said Ann.

Now I want to know if you're really goin' to set down like an old hen an' give up, an' let this match between Charlotte an' a good, smart, likely young man like Barnabas Thayer be broken off on account of Cephas Barnard's crazy freaks?" Sarah stiffened her neck. "There ain't no call for you to speak that way, Hannah. They got to talkin' over the 'lection." "The 'lection!

Occasionally the "Nigger 'Lection" had a deep political signification and influence. "Scaeva," in his "Hartford in the Olden Times," and Hinman, in the "American Revolution," give detailed and interesting accounts of "Nigger 'Lection." A few rather sickly and benumbed attempts were made in bleak New England to celebrate in old English fashion the first of May.

"I suppose the boys will be thirsty," said Mr. Enos Slugby. "There never's nothin' to make a man thirsty ekal to a 'lection," answered Jim, with his huge features grinning. "Well, the fellows work well, and deserve it. Here, you needn't go out of your district, you know, and this will be enough." He handed more money to his companion.

"'Tisn't that, yer Honor; but becos yer got me onto the perlice yerself. Don't yer 'member, on 'lection day, I smashed two ticket booths of t'other can'date, in the Sixth Ward, lickt as much as a dozen men who was workin' agen ye, an' din was put into the Tumes over night bad luck to the Tumes, I say!

But as the Dallas party, who comes caperin' over with the first shot, is layin' at the windup outside the Lone Star door, plumb defunct, thar's an end to the root of the disorder. "'The 'lection itse'f is looked on as a draw.

An Election sermon was also preached. Boston had two Election Days. "Nigger 'Lection" was so called in distinction from Artillery Election. On the former anniversary day the election of the governor was formally announced, and the black population was allowed to throng the Common, to buy gingerbread and drink beer like their white betters.