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'Education neglected? 'Neg lected! repeated Boffin, with emphasis. 'That ain't no word for it. I don't mean to say but what if you showed me a B, I could so far give you change for it, as to answer Boffin. 'Come, come, sir, said Mr Wegg, throwing in a little encouragement, 'that's something, too. 'It's something, answered Mr Boffin, 'but I'll take my oath it ain't much.

Well, yer Honor, ye was 'lected coroner by a small vote; an', in turn for me services, ye got me 'p'inted " "Ah! oh! I remember, now," said the coroner, somewhat confused. "I did not know you in the perliceman's dress. Well, Mr. O'Dougherty, did you see the prisoner on the night of the murder?" "I did, yer Honor. It was about twelve o'clock.

She was sensible of a sharp pang pervading her consciousness. Nevertheless, judgment clamored for recognition. "Everybody gins Justus a good name, better'n Wat," she argued. "An' ef Wat ain't 'lected" She walked down the street with a freer step, her head lifted, her self-respect more secure.

Ye'll laff at me other folks did whenst I tell ye that ag'in an' ag'in I jes' cotch' myse'f cheerin' with the loudest. I could n't holp it." "He'll be 'lected, Justus?" she breathlessly inquired, and yet imperatively, as if, even though she asked, she would brook no denial. "Oh, they all say thar's no doubt no doubt at all." She drew a long breath of contentment, of pleasure.

Some of them lower Ioway men, them that first nominated you in the train meeting town meeting what you call it, they seen where you'd been plowing along here just to keep your hand in. One of them says to me, 'Plowing, hey? Can't wait? Well, that's what we're going out for, ain't it to plow? says he. 'That's the clean quill, says he. So they 'lected you, Jesse.

"Hip! hip!" he yelled at the top of his voice, "six hundred and ten plurality and all from the two coon wards count all in and verified no difference now how the others go and " He paused and the situation dawned upon him all in a heap as Phoebe hid her head against David's collar. "Davie," he remarked in subdued tones, "you're 'lected, but I don't s'pose you care!"

"Oh, Sal; she married the Congregational minister down to Peterfield, and was 'lected president of the Temperance Union and secretary of the Endeavorers. Read a piece down at Fust Church last week on 'Breakin' Away from Old Standards, illustratin' the alarmin' degen'racy of children nowadays." And George Hawley, our Achilles, our Samson, our ideal of everything manly and courageous!

Well, dey 'lected dat dey hatter hol' er 'sembly fer ter sorter straighten out marters en hear de complaints, en w'en de day come dey wuz on han'. De Lion, he wuz dar, kase he wuz de king, en he hatter be der. De Rhynossyhoss, he wuz dar, en de Elephant, he wuz dar, en de Cammils, en de Cows, en plum' down ter de Crawfishes, dey wuz dar. Dey wuz all dar.

Don't go for Coffinberry. He's down on all the Dutch, and swears he'll have all their heads chopped off and run into sausages if he's lected. Do you know what George B. Senter says about the Germans? He says by they're in the habit of stealing LIVE American infants and hashing 'em up into head cheese. By ! That's a lie! T'aint I heard that say so with my own mouth.

It must have brought something to the Colonel's mind, for he began to chuckle. "Sapry wuz a yaller gal of de Cunnel's, who'se 'ngaged to mahry a dude nigger on Mister Lige Dudley's place, turr side of town. Nuthin' 'ud do but Zack must perform dat cer'mony him jest bein' 'lected haid deacon of de new chu'ch what had its meetin's under a big sycamoh tree down by de crick.