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I had about half a second to make my plans. I advanced with a very stiff air, and asked him what the devil he meant. No Lowland Scots for me now. My tone was that of an adjutant of a Guards' battalion. My inquisitor was a tall man in an ulster, with a green felt hat on his small head. He had a lean, well-bred face, and very choleric blue eyes.

Nutter's in the parlour, at your service, answered the lean maid who had opened the door, and who recognising in that gentleman an adherent of the enemy, had assumed her most impertinent leer and tone on the instant. The ambassador looked in and drew back. 'Oh, then, 'tisn't the mistress you want, but the master's old housekeeper; ask her.

One of these was a harsh-featured man of middle height and square build, the uncompromising zealot Ojeda. The other was tall and lean, stooping slightly at the shoulders, haggard and pale of countenance, with deep-set, luminous dark eyes, and a tender, wistful mouth. This was the Queen's confessor, Frey Tomas de Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Castile.

On entering it she beheld so many ghastly men at one view that she recoiled, and for a moment hesitated. Recovering herself she proceeded. While passing along she beheld a young man with sunken eyes, pale and ashy cheeks, lying on a board cot, so emaciated that she had no thought of who it could be. But in a moment she heard her name whispered, and saw a lean, bony hand reaching out towards her.

If he could make some money first, say ten thousand dollars, so that he could get an interest income of say six or seven hundred dollars a year, he might be willing to risk art for art's sake. He had suffered too much poverty had scared him so that he was very anxious to lean on a salary or a business income for the time being.

"Valentine will not marry," says one of two ladies who lean over the rail of the veranda above. "I wonder why." The other fixes on her a meaning look, and she twitches her shoulders and pouts, seeing she has asked a foolish question, the answer to which would only put Valentine in a numerous class and do him no credit. Such were the choice spirits of the family. Agricola had retired.

One was very nervous, another very tall and lean; this one was penurious, that one stubborn; this was a farmer, and that a clergyman; this name was written in a frolic; this was a genuine name, though not written by the man himself, and that written by the man himself, but it was not his true name.

"No more lean years for my girl if I can help it." he murmured earnestly. Dicky appeared to know a number of people in the audience. A half-dozen men and two or three women bowed to him. He told me about each one. Two were dramatic critics, others artist and actor friends. Each one's name was familiar to me through the newspapers.

As he spoke he refilled the major's pipe and handed it to him, not appearing to notice how the lean old hand shook. "You do, sir," answered the major with a spark coming back into his eyes, "you and your gladness and the boy and his sadness and Phoebe most of all.

And as her mother sighed, while walking with difficulty "Lean on me, dear mamma, you know I am strong." Saniel did not return until quite late in the afternoon. When he opened the door with his key he was surprised at not seeing his wife run to him and kiss him. "She is painting," he said to himself, "she did not hear me."