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They rushed into the greenhouse: they took whatever they could find; and one boy, who saw me standing idle, pushed me toward the door, crying, 'Here, lazy-bones! take a shovel, take a broom! Get to work, and help us! 'Help you do what? said I. 'To make the fort and roll snow-balls, he replied. 'Not I; it is too cold, I answered. Then the boys laughed at me.

Just go down and have a cutlet while I wait here. The idea of losing time revolted Claude. 'I tell you I have breakfasted. Look at the saucepan. Besides, you can see there's a crust of bread left. I'll eat it. Come, to work, to work, lazy-bones. And he snatched up his palette and caught his brushes, saying, as he did so, 'Dubuche is coming to fetch us this evening, isn't he?

"Where have you been dawdling, lazy-bones?" he cried. She murmured, without halting, that the sun was hot. "Sun hot!" he retorted. "Jeanne is lazy, that is it! Mon Dieu, that I should have married a wife who is tired by noon! I had better have left you to that never-do-well Pierre Bounat. But I have news for you, my girl."

No mechanical crossing and recrossing the stage, no punctilious tuition by your stage-manager all was inspiration and fire. But to Pinchas this hearing of the play twice over once raw and once cooked was maddening. 'The lazy-bones! he murmured. 'Not thus shall they treat my lines. Every syllable must be engraved upon their hearts, or I forbid the curtain to go up.

Since Victor came back from the army, he has married and has children of his own, and I'm even afraid that he'll have more than he can provide for, as, while he was in the army, he seems to have lost all taste for work. But the sharpest of the family is that lazy-bones Irma, my younger sister, who's so pretty and so delicate-looking, perhaps because she's always ill.

Harry found papa enjoying the last delightful doze that makes bed so fascinating of a morning. As if half afraid to try the experiment, the boy slowly approached and gave the sleeper a sudden, hard shake, saying briskly, 'Come, come, come, lazy-bones! Get up, get up!

Get up, lazy-bones!" called Frank from his room as the clock struck six one bright morning, and a great creaking and stamping proclaimed that he was astir. "All right, I'm coming," responded a drowsy voice, and Jack turned over as if to obey; but there the effort ended, and he was off again, for growing lads are hard to rouse, as many a mother knows to her sorrow.

"What was he doin', the lazy-bones, that he couldn't catch the villain?" "What villain?" "The man who killed poor Mr. Fenley." "They know who did it, then?" "Well, no. There's all sorts o' tales flyin' about, but you can't believe any of 'em." "But why are you blaming Farrow? He's a good fellow. He sings. No real scoundrel can sing. Read any novel, any newspaper report.

This fellow in here is a lazy no-account, and the army is the best place for him, although I am sorry to say so." "Yes, the army nowadays is a good place for lazy-bones," agreed the officer. A queer look came over his face. "We are picking up all the single men we can." He leaned on the desk and spoke as one man to another.

One Saturday afternoon as a party of the boys went out to play, Tommy said, "Let's go down to the river, and cut a lot of new fish-poles." "Take Toby to drag them back, and one of us can ride him down," proposed Stuffy, who hated to walk. "That means you, I suppose; well, hurry up, lazy-bones," said Dan.