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When twelve o'clock struck, he called out: "Hullo, mother, is the soup ready?" "There's no soup for you, lazy-bones," cried the old woman from her kitchen. He thought she must be joking, and waited a while.

But the preliminaries were not easily settled, and Constance grew impatient. "I can't stay," she said. "I have a letter to write before lunch." "All right, go on," said Mary, "and I'll wait for that lazy-bones Fan." As soon as Constance had gone Fan quickened her steps. "Mary," she spoke, coming to the other's side, "will you promise me something?"

Zaidos was the last person in the room to awaken. Half a dozen of the groups nearest the door had filed out, answered roll call, and stood at attention in the street when a man shook him roughly by the shoulder and roused him. "Get up, lazy-bones," he cried gruffly, "else you will feel the flat of a sword! Here you have been snoring since early last evening.

She must take things easily and not excite herself. Mrs. Phillips acquiesced. "It's turning me into a lazy-bones," she said with a smile. "I can sit here by the hour, just watching the bustle. I was always one for a bit of life." The landlady entered with Joan's tea. Joan took an instinctive dislike to her. She was a large, flashy woman, wearing a quantity of cheap jewellery.

The foot-stove and hand-stove, I've also sent over; and urge that pack of lazy-bones to attend to their work, for if you say nothing, they will be so engrossed in their frolics, that they'll be loth to move, and let you, all for nothing, take a chill and ruin your constitution." "Compose your mind," replied Pao-yue; "when I go out, I know well enough how to attend to everything my own self.

The shock of joy this discovery produced was great enough to unnerve me, and for some moments I stood trembling, hardly able to breathe; then recovering I hastened after it, and stunned it with a blow from my chopper on its round head. "Poor sloth!" I said as I stood over it. "Poor old lazy-bones!

That morning began no differently from any morning, though it was to be the beginning of all things new for Eric. He was awakened early by Mrs. Freg's rough hand shaking him by the arm, and her rough voice in his ears: "Get up, lazy-bones! All you boys pile out, this very minute! It's six o'clock already!"

"Phoebe, git up, you lazy-bones," called Aunt Rachel, from the bottom of the stairs. "All right, Ma!" "Johnnie, you git up, too!" "Coming down right now, Aunt Rachel!" "Hurry up, or your breakfast'll git cold ... the idea of you children laying in bed like this ... what on earth are you doing up there, talking and talking? I kin hear you buzzing away clear down here!"

An expression of diabolical cruelty overspread the handsome countenance of Dolores; and when the laggart fish-woman had reached the nearer end of the bridge, near the customs office, the girl burst into an insolent, ridiculing laugh. She touched agüela Picores on the arm: "Look, granny, late as usual. And what can you expect from a mess of lazy-bones like that!"

"Now, lazy-bones, you'd better be thinking of getting up!" cried Pelle, pulling him by the leg. The boy turned slowly. When he saw his father, he instantly became wide awake, and raised his arm above his head as though to ward off a blow. "There's no box on the ears in the air, my boy," said Pelle, laughing. "The game only begins to-day!"