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Prissie, looking on, realized that it was the chance of a lifetime. She stole on tiptoe from her retreat, and peeped over Laurette's shoulder so that her reflection should be displayed in the glass.

"'Here come I, my name is Jowett, All there is to know, I know it; I'm the head of this here College, What I don't know isn't knowledge! That's Laurette's attitude exactly. She's so superior to everybody!" "We'll take her down, don't worry yourself!" smiled Dulcie. "We must just wait for a good opportunity, and then "

"The secret hand will smite!" laughed Carmel, who enjoyed the fun as much as anybody. Laurette's aggravatingly superior pose was especially apparent in her attitude towards the mistresses. She monopolized Miss Herbert, treated her almost like a friend, wrote notes to her, left flowers in her bedroom, and walked arm-in-arm with her in the garden.

"You're a liar!" remarked Jim Reddin, in a business-like voice, as the hands formed a ring. At this some of the hands laughed, and Goodine, glancing around, caught the ghost of a smile on Laurette's face. This was all that was needed. The blood boiled up to his temples, and with an oath under his breath he sprang upon his adversary.

Laurette's skirts were short, her legs long, thin, and transparently covered. Her fingers stroked her ankles. "It's not exactly that I don't understand them," she was saying thoughtfully. "I must go and try again." "What time will you be there?" said Jacob. She shrugged her shoulders. "To-morrow?" No, not to-morrow.

Well, I shan't be in the least sorry for you! It will be a judgment!" Laurette had made a desperate attempt to interrupt Gowan's flow of words, but she might as well have tried to stop the brook. When Gowan began, she never even paused for breath. Her wrath was like a whirlwind. Laurette's three chums had turned away as if rather ashamed, and began hastily to get out books and writing-materials.

But I vowed to his mother I'd be good to the lad, and " "Oh, I reckon I quite understand, Mr. Reddin," interrupted the girl, in a hard, clear voice; and, seeing the furious scorn in her face, Reddin silently turned away. Laurette's scorn was sharpened by a sense of the bitterest disappointment. She had allowed herself to give her heart to a coward, whom she had fancied a hero.

"A little wholesome taking down is just what they need. Laurette's the limit sometimes. Whom shall we ask to join?" "Well, all of you here, and myself, and Noreen, and Prissie, and Edith. That would make nine." "Quite enough too," said Gowan. "A secret society's much greater fun if it's small. Things are apt to leak out when you have too many members.

Many and various were the offences that were laid to Laurette's score. Lilias had a private grievance, because she fancied that Laurette had never been so civil to herself and Dulcie since it was known that their brother was not to inherit the Chase.

And yet had he not Laurette's promise that none other than he should have the privilege of driving her home to the settlements that afternoon? "That's what we're just a-goin' to decide," said McElvey, in answer to Laurette's question. "But first," he continued, with a sly chuckle, "hadn't you better pick out the feller that's goin' to drive you home, sis?