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Arabia Petraea had been an Eden to such travellers; how much more the happy slopes they were now descending! All the afternoon their path wound down the western incline of Monte Baldo, first under huge olives, then through thickets of laurel and acacia, to emerge on a lower level of lemon and orange groves, with the blue lake showing through a diaper of golden-fruited boughs.

I remember stopping to lunch in a grassy ravine, under the shade of a superb laurel, by the side of a clear stream, amid a profusion of green leaves and lovely wild-flowers, on some delicious bananas, and other fruits, cold tea, and biscuits. Never did I more enjoy an excursion; and then I had many a long talk with Lumsden about old times, and especially about Alfred.

A soft low came from a distant patch of laurel, and old Jasper's girl, Martha, folded her hands like a conch at her mouth, and the shrill cry again startled the air. "Ye better come, ye pieded cow-brute." Picking up a cedar piggin, she stepped from the porch toward the meek voice that had answered her. Temper and exertion had brought the quick blood to her face.

It was a picturesque ride, as every ride was on this island, skirting the sylvan hills with the sea glimmering in the distance. Lothair was pleased with the approaches to the sacred grove: now and then a single tree with gray branches and a green head, then a great spread of underwood, all laurel, and then spontaneous plantations of young trees.

"I fear some mischief is afoot," he said. Drawing the old man into the shade of the shrubbery, he added: "Remain here; do not stir until I come for you, or unless you hear me call." Leaving Dickon in trembling perplexity and alarm, he stole forward on tiptoe towards the house. At the foot of the wall lay a flower bed, now bare and black, separated by a gravel path from a low shrubbery of laurel.

By the sides of the pulpit were white and scarlet geraniums and pine boughs, and high upon the wall a laurel wreath. "Before 3.30 the pall-bearers brought in the plain black walnut coffin, which was placed before the pulpit. The lid was turned back, and upon it was put a cluster of richly colored pansies and a small bouquet of roses.

If the Lord Johns and Lord Georges didn't ride at the quintain, Miss Thorne might be sure that nobody else would. 'But, said she in dolorous voice, all but overcome by her cares; 'it was specially signified that there were to be sports. 'And so there will be, of course, said Mr Pomney. 'They'll all be sporting with the young ladies in the laurel walks.

WOOD LAUREL. The leaves of this plant have little or no smell but a very durable nauseous acrid taste. If taken internally in small doses, as ten or twelve grains, they are said to operate with violence by stool and sometimes by vomit, so as not to be ventured on with safety, unless their virulence be previously abated by long boiling, and even then they are much to precarious to be trusted to.

THE COMON LAUREL. The leaves of the laurel have a bitter taste, with a flavour resembling that of the kernels of the peach or apricot; they communicate an agreeable flavour to aqueous and spirituous fluids, either by infusion or distillation.

When Trim's answer, in an instant, tore the laurel from his brows, and twisted it to pieces. This unfortunate draw-bridge of yours, quoth my father God bless your honour, cried Trim, 'tis a bridge for master's nose.