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Then both shinned up a tall tree whose branches overhung the road, walked like rope-walkers along a branch which topped the hedge, and dropped lightly to the ground. Eleanor ran to the hedge in time to see the laundry bags pitched upon the backs of two waiting horses, the boys scramble upon their mounts and with a whoop of triumph go pelting off down the road. "Well, I never!

"Good-by, dear! You've been awfully good to me I can never forget it!" "Yes, you will that's all right," Ernestine replied gruffly, not knowing exactly what she was saying. "I hope you'll make a fortune in your new business " "Him and me," Ernestine interrupted, nodding jocularly towards the banker, "are going into the laundry business together." "You must write me all about it!" "I will."

After washing ourselves, we had to wash our clothes in the same water for there was of course no laundry on board and then the cabin floor after that. By this time the water was mud. It was impossible to have a proper bath all the time we were on board, for there was no water supply in the bathroom, and it was kept in an extremely dirty condition.

His creditors and they are many, from the newsboy to the hotel manager, the barber, the laundry agent, the liveryman and boot-black are still "giving him time," as he was confident that they would. The pioneers miss him sorely, but they manage to struggle along without him, living perhaps in the hope that he will some day come back.

A housewife who lives in the country, and has but a patch of back garden, or even a good-sized kitchen, can, if she thinks fit, take her place at the wash-tub and relieve her mind on laundry matters; but to the inhabitant of a miniature flat in the heart of London anything of that kind is out of the question. When Amy began to cut down her laundress's bill, she did it with a sense of degradation.

As they were going into the laundry, Father Richmond came out of the house, and stopped to point out to the Colonel a snow-covered enclosure "the Sisters' garden" and he told how marvellously, in the brief summer, some of the hardier vegetables flourished there. "They spring up like magic at the edge of the snow-drifts, and they do not rest from their growing all night.

You say you cannot make a fortune because you are in some laundry, or running a sewing-machine, it may be, or walking before some loom, and yet you can be a millionaire if you will but follow this almost infallible direction. When you say a woman doesn't invent anything, I ask, Who invented the Jacquard loom that wove every stitch you wear? Mrs. Jacquard.

There are brushes in the case and they mean that the fellow has hair on his head, Tom. So there's no use looking for a bald-headed man, eh? That's what they call 'the process of elimination, isn't it? Say, what are you trying to do with those things? Ruin them? Please remember that I've got to wear them to-night." "Looking for laundry marks," replied Tom. "But there aren't any.

A pretty stream, which tumbled in one waterfall after another through the masses of tropical growth, was soon the scene of numerous laundry operations, in which all the negresses in the neighbourhood insisted on joining, incited thereto no doubt by the desire of seeing how my four hundred strapping fellows set about their work.

The inside of the house I thought very, nice; all the rooms are high and of a good size; a hall, school-room, class-room, and dining-room, and prettily furnished sitting-room for the lady superintendent, a laundry, and good kitchen with a large stove all these are on the ground floor. Upstairs there is a large dormitory with eight double beds and a smaller one with four beds.